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El maquinista Francisco José G.A. había cogido una llamada en su teléfono profesional y estaba recibiendo instrucciones por parte de personal de Renfe, sobre el camino que tenía que seguir para la entrada del convoy en Ferrol, cuando se produjo el descarrilamiento en la curva de A Grandeira, a unos cuatro kilómetros de la parada estipulada en la estación ferroviaria de Santiago de Compostela. Del audio almacenado en las cajas negras se deduce, según ha informado el Tribunal Superior
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Det er en spansk domstol som opplyser at lokføreren snakket i telefonen da toget sporet av ved Santiago de Compostela i Spania i forrige uke. Han skal ha mottatt en samtale på jobbtelefonen, for å få instruksjoner om ruten han skulle ta til ankomststedet, melder Sky News.
Utfra innholdet og bakgrunnslydene i samtalen skal det virke som om lokføreren samtidig leste fra et kart eller et dokument.
Søndag møtte lokføreren Francisco José Garzón Amo (52) i forhørsretten, der han
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Canned sardine manufacture. (Photo: Anfaco)
Anfaco receives financial support for new RD projects
Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 03:30 (GMT + 9)
The National Association of Manufacturers of Canned Fish and Shellfish (Anfaco-Cecopesca) is one of the Galician
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SPAING (ATLAS/CNN) - Black box recorders are providing new details about a deadly train derailment in Spain last week that killed 79 people.
According to the Superior Tribunal of Galicia, the data recorders reveal the train conductor was on the phone and the train was going about 95 miles-per-hour when it derailed on July 24.
The driver was on the phone with railway staff at the time of the wreck.
The speed limit for the bend of the track where the crash happened is 49 miles-per-hour.
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Da hurtigtoget sporet av i Santiago de Compostela satt togføreren i telefonen og toget hadde en hastighet av 153 km/t. Det fortalte etterforskere tirsdag til dommeren i Court of Justice i Galicia.
79 mennesker omkom i ulykken. I det øyeblikket at toget sporet av holdt det 153 km/t, men like før hadde hastigheten vært i 195 km/t, melder BBC
Togføreren, som ble pågrepet i sykesengen og som
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
GALICIA, Spain — The driver of a train that derailed in northwestern Spain last week, killing 79 people, was on a phone with railway staff when the train crashed, the superior tribunal of Galicia announced Tuesday, citing information from data recorders.
Also Tuesday, the court announced that the train was going 153 kph (95 mph) when it derailed. Last week, a spokeswoman for national railway Renfe said the speed limit for the bend of the track where the crash happened is 80 kph (49
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Il macchinista del treno deragliato mercoledi' alla porte di Santiago de Compostela, in Spagna, causando 79 morti, era al telefono al momento dell'incidente. Lo hanno riferito fonti giudiziarie, spiegando che prima del deragliamento il treno viaggiava a 192 chilometri all'ora, mentre l'incidente e' avvenuto alla velocita' di 153 chilometri all'ora. Il macchinista, Francisco Garzon, e' stato scarcerato ieri. Pochi minuti prima del deragliamento, il macchinista aveva ricevuto una chiamata di un membro
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
The conductor of a Spanish train that derailed, killing 79 people, was on the phone and travelling almost twice the speed limit when the accident happened, The Associated Press reports.
The train’s black box data recorder revealed that Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, was travelling at about 152 km/h shortly before the derailment and was talking on the phone to a rail official, a Spanish court heard Tuesday.
The court also heard that he slammed on the brakes just seconds before the crash.
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Deadly derailment in Spain
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
The driver of the train that crashed in Spain killing 79 people was on a phone talking to railway officials just before it derailed, investigators say.
The train was travelling
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