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28. Juni 2012
Der Kammerchor Yewschan gastierte am Montagabend in der Amolterer Pfarrkirche St. Vitus und überzeugte mit viel Können.
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
To follow, I’m suggesting turbot with potatoes, peas and paprika. This is my
favourite way to cook one of my favourite fish. I roast it over potatoes
with any seasonings I have to hand – chilli, wine, vinegar, herbs, you can
really flavour it as you like. But to keep this one feeling Galician, peas,
paprika and peppers work well.
To finish, a wonderful torta Santiago, a light, almost ethereal almond tart.
Give it some oomph with a generous slug of brandy. In fact, I like to
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Il portiere però vuole restare a Sorrento, più semplice arrivare allo stopper del Siracusa
Lega Pro
- 26/06/2012 13:00
Dopo Luca Fusco, Dino Fava e Galizia, un altro perno della vecchia guardia giura fedeltà alla Paganese neo promossa in Prima divisione. Si tratta di Ciccio Scarpa, che nelle prossime ore formalizzerà l’intesa già raggiunta con il direttore generale Cocchino D’Eboli ed il presidente Raffaele Trapani per far parte
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Vivo in Galizia e produco articoli assolutamente voluttuari che, se la retorica vorrebbe per tutti, sono di fatto destinati ad una clientela benestante; questo, se fa sì che ora debba inventarmi il lavoro letteralmente giorno per giorno, mi ha permesso di assistere da una posizione privilegiata allo scoppio della crisi spagnola.
Crisi diversa da quella italiana, greca o irlandese, perché ogni paese si inguaia a modo proprio, ma che, mentre i problemi delle banche
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Filed Under PL | Прокоментуй!
Żydowskie Muzeum Galicja, mieszczące się na krakowskim Kazimierzu, to miejsce niezwykle klimatyczne, zadowalające nie tylko pasjonatów kultury żydowskiej, ale także miłośników żydowskiej literatury i smakoszy wyśmienitej kawy.Muzeum założone zostało w 2004 roku, przez nieżyjącego już brytyjskiego fotografa Chrisa Schwarza. Galicja to miejsce, które oddaje hołd ofiarom holokaustu i ukazuje żydowską kulturę oraz historię z nowej perspektywy.W budynku pierwotnie mieścił się
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Spanish regional cable operator R, present in Galicia, has introduced a fiber-optic service with speeds of up to 50 Mbps for download and 5 Mbps for upload. Dubbed ‘Combo Mini 50 Mbps’, the package also includes a flat-rate voice tariff plan, 300 minutes for on-net mobile calls, and 150 minutes for national calls. The offer is available for EUR 60 per month
Additionally, the operator will also double the speeds offered to its existing internet subscribers. Customers using
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
A flamenco troupe bursts into a bank branch in Seville in southern Spain, lampooning bankers in dance and song. Further north, in Galicia, 50 men dressed in prison garb march into a bank shouting slogans against costly state bailouts for lenders.
In Barcelona and Madrid, a growing organization of elderly protesters stage regular “occupations” of bank branches, wearing reflective vests and carrying signs decrying the bailouts.
The deepening economic
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
MADRID • A flamenco troupe bursts into a bank branch in Seville in southern Spain, lampooning bankers in dance and song. Farther north, in Galicia, 50 men dressed in prison garb march into a bank shouting slogans against costly state bailouts for lenders.In Barcelona and Madrid, a growing organization of elderly protesters stage regular “occupations� of bank branches, wearing reflective vests and carrying signs decrying the bailouts.The deepening economic crisis has prompted creative
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
By Paul Day and Clare Kane
Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:26pm BST
MADRID (Reuters) - A flamenco troupe bursts into a bank branch in Seville in southern Spain, lampooning bankers in dance and song. Further north, in Galicia, 50 men dressed in prison garb march into a bank shouting slogans against costly state bailouts for lenders.
In Barcelona and Madrid, a growing organisation of elderly protesters stage regular "occupations" of bank branches, wearing
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
By Paul Day and Clare Kane
MADRID (Reuters) - A flamenco troupe bursts into a bank branch in Seville in southern Spain, lampooning bankers in dance and song. Further north, in Galicia, 50 men dressed in prison garb march into a bank shouting slogans against costly state bailouts for lenders.
In Barcelona and Madrid, a growing organisation of elderly protesters stage regular "occupations" of bank branches, wearing reflective vests and carrying signs decrying the bailouts.
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