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Compared To The Rest of The West, Do The 2014-2015 Dallas Mavericks Even Deserve An All-Star?By Mikel Galicia on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 4:37 PMOnce again Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban earned himself some headlines last week -- this time by blasting the NBA's use of fan voting for its annual All-Star Game, which will this year take place on February 15 in Brooklyn.After it was revealed that the Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry led the voting with about 1.5 million votes,
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Canned seafood. (Photo: Anfaco-Cecopesca)
Anfaco presents senators the demands and challenges of the sector
Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 03:20 (GMT + 9)
This week the National Association of Canned Fish (Anfaco-Cecopesca) informed a delegation
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Filed Under FR | Прокоментуй!
On ne connait de l’Ukraine que quelques villes et lieux, souvent sous le feu de l’actualité. Mais que sait-on (sait-on même qu’elles existent) de la Polésie, de la Ruthénie, ou de la Galicie. C’est dans cette dernière région ukrainienne que nous emmène Anna Herman dans son roman La petite fille et les cosmites, la meilleure approche pour découvrir l’âme de la partie occidentale de son pays.
L’Ukraine que nous conte Anna Herman dans son roman La petite fille et les cosmites
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Grupo Financiero Galicia SA (GGAL) gained 0.45 points to close 2.8037% higher. The session began with the first transaction at 16.16 and the price swung wildly to hit a low of 16.13 and a high of 16.7. Finally, the stock closed at 16.5 with 338,200 shares exchanging hands. The previous close of the share price is 16.05. Among the major technical levels are the cluster of moving averages, the 30-day simple moving average of 15.73 and the 60-day simple moving average of 15.55. Closing and sustaining
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Only 11.5% of surveyed Ukrainian citizens believe that Donbas should not be part of Ukraine, with the majority of people who believe so coming from Donbas (35%). In addition, only 7% want Halychyna (western part of Ukraine) to separate from Ukraine. Once again, the majority of people who believe so are Donbas residents (16%), while people from Volyn region (0.5%) and Halychyna (1%) support the idea the least, according to a poll conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Only 11.5% of surveyed Ukrainian citizens believe that Donbas should not be part of Ukraine, with the majority of people who believe so coming from Donbas (35%). In addition, only 7% want Halychyna (western part of Ukraine) to separate from Ukraine. Once again, the majority of people who believe so are Donbas residents (16%), while people from Volyn region (0.5%) and Halychyna (1%) support the idea the least, according to a poll conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic
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Filed Under PL | Прокоментуй!
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
TORRECUSO (4-3-3): Minichiello; Di Maio, Monti, Astarita, Fabozzi; Aracri, Wade (55’ Iadaresta), Pecora; D. Zerillo (74’ Furno), Perna (82’ Pagano), Galizia. A DISPOSIZIONE: Errico, D’Ascia, Di Blasio, M. Zerillo, Ferrara, Petrone. All. Dellisanti.
HINTERREGGIO (4-4-2): Parisi; Scoppetta, Cianci (73’ Filidoro), Papasidero, Morabito; De Marco, Forgione, Corso, Lavrendi; Crisalli (73’ Manganaro), Gallon (67’ Spanò). A DISPOSIZIONE:
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Filed Under CZ | Прокоментуй!
Kdy se zd, e u neme bt h, um Blzk vchod vdy pekvapit. Ze tvrtka na ptek se na Arabskm poloostrov staly dv vci, kter spolu zdnliv nesouvis. V Jemenu odstoupila cel vlda vetn prezidenta Hdho a v Sadsk Arbii zemel ve vku 90 let krl Abdallh. S Abdallhovou smrt se okamit vynoily obligtn hlasy o tom, e krlovstv bude elit problmm a e jsme mon svdky jeho blcho se rozpadu. By se podobn prognzy objevuj u nejmn pl stolet, je pravda, e regionln politika u dlouho nebyla tak zapeklit.Na trn nastoupil Abdallhv
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Ci sono nuovi sviluppi negli infiniti strascichi giudiziari sviluppatisi dalla parabola de Il Detective, un tempo la più grande società di investigazione e vigilanza privata di Messina, al centro di uno scandalo, poi sgonfiatosi, a base di presunte mazzette all'Università e talpe in Prefettura.
Il Tribunale del Riesame (presidente Trovato) ha annullato il sequestro di somme e titoli fino a 480 mila euro disposto nei confronti di Emanuele Corrado Galizia. L'ex agente dei servizi, oggi sessantunenne,
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