Despite requiring a medical check after sustaining heavy contusions on both legs in a Warm Up crash, Rins (Estrella Galicia 0,0) produced an excellent ride to win for the second round in succession and strengthen his title credentials. For Marquez it was his sixth podium result of the year and his second successive second place, after he pushed his colleague Rins hard for the win and was outpaced by just 0.042s on the line. Standings leader Miller (Red Bull KTM Ajo) returned to the podium, Read more [...]
Dentro del plan del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires desde 2009 para homenajear a las colectividades emigrantes all asentadas, Galicia se suma este ao como la segunda regin participante, mostrando su cultura, costumbres e identidad en un iniciativa llamada Buenos Aires celebra Galicia, que tendr lugar hoy 14 de septiembre tras un prlogo ayer viernes.En su organizacin tambin colaboran la Xunta de Galicia y Comunidad Gallega en Argentina para un evento que tiene por escenario Read more [...]
A comienzos de 2.008 haba en Galicia cerca de 250.000 Autnomos, tras incorporarse a final de 2.007 los trabajadores por cuenta propia del Rgimen Agrario al de Autnomos, alcanzado la cifra ms elevada histricamente. Sin embargo, el presidente de la Federacin de Autnomos de Galicia (Feaga), Francisco Javier Prez Bello, reconoce que, desde enero de 2008, no ha parado de descender la cifra, hasta mediados de 2.013, momento en el que tocamos suelo, con apenas 212.000.Precisa que desde Read more [...]
El portavoz nacional del BNG, Xavier Vence, ha apostado por incluir a Galicia en el proceso soberanista iniciado por regiones como Catalua o Escocia al considerar que "el desarrollo del pas, de la economa productiva, la creacin de empleo y la verdadera salida de la crisis" pasa por "tener ms herramientas para decidir". As se ha pronunciado este sbado el lder de la formacin nacionalista en un acto celebrado en la Praza do Toural de Santiago de Compostela que, bajo el lema 'Polo Read more [...]
Start the conversation - Add your comment Sorry, due to abuse from people posting SPAM, we no longer allow web addresses to be posted in comments. Please login or register before adding your comments. Although the administrators and moderators of this website will attempt to keep all objectionable comments off these pages, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express Read more [...]
Miller (Red Bull KTM Ajo) took a seventh pole of the season with a 1’42.974 lap time which put him just 0.004s ahead of his nearest rival Ajo (Avant Tecno Husqvarna Ajo). Miller aims to strike back in the title fight this weekend having been off the podium at the last two rounds and the pole position start will give him added confidence ahead of Sunday’s round 13 race. Behind Miller and Ajo on the front row is Silverstone race winner Rins (Estrella Galicia 0,0), who was just 0.038s adrift Read more [...]
Dry and sunny session, which was briefly red flagged to clear debris after a fall for Romano Fenati.16-year-old Remy Gardner, son of 1987 500cc world champion Wayne Gardner, is making his grand prix debut as a replacement for the injured Luca Grunwald at the Kiefer team...1. Alex Marquez SPA Estrella Galicia 0,0 (Honda) 1m 43.862s 2. Alex Rins SPA Estrella Galicia 0,0 (Honda) 1m 44.072s 3. Miguel Oliveira POR Mahindra Racing (Mahindra) 1m 44.210s 4. Efren Vazquez SPA SaxoPrint-RTG (Honda) 1m 44.273s 5. Jack Read more [...]
One of Spains most revered pipers, possibly the traditions greatest, will open at the Arden Theatre season in four days.Carlos Nez, an internationally revered master of the gaita (Galician bagpipes), exudes the technical prowess of a classical music virtuoso and the charismatic energy of a rock star. A London reviewer at The Telegraph even dubbed him the Jimi Hendrix of pipes.Nez is touring his ninth album Inter-Celtic and returns after a wildly successful performance Read more [...]
I sitt tal i våras, då Putin bekräftade annekteringen av Krim, appellerade den ryske presidenten till det medeltida begreppet Rus i ett vi som inkluderade både Ryssland och Ukraina: ”Kiev är alla ryska städers moder. Det forna Rus är vårt gemensamma ursprung, vi kan trots allt inte klara oss utan varandra”. Han syftade här på den statsbildning som kallas Kievriket eller Rus. Detta löst sammanhållna land hade sin blomstring i slutet av 900-talet och under 1000-­talet, och kom sedan Read more [...]

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