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The list confirms that Estrella Galicia 0,0 will switch from KTM to Honda machinery, with Romano Fenati and Francesco Bagnaia confirmed for Valentino Rossi's new VR46 team.Girl racer Ana Carrasco, who claimed eighth place in the final round of her rookie season at Valencia with Calvo KTM, is not listed...3 Matteo Ferrari ITA San Carlo Team Italia (MAHINDRA)4 Gabriel Ramos VEN Kiefer Racing (KALEX KTM)5 Romano Fenati ITA Team Sky-VR46 (KTM)7 Efren Vazquez SPA Caretta Technology (HONDA)8 Jack Miller AUS Red Read more [...]
TURNO INFRASETTIMANALE PER LA TECHNOACQUE FASANO Al tensostatico in via Galizia arriva il New Basket Lecce di coach Scialpi Si torna in campo domani alle 20.30 per la 9^ giornata di campionato: la Technoacque Fasano affronterà il New Basket Lecce tra le mura amiche del tensostatico in via Galizia. La formazione salentina allenata da coach Scialpi è ancora ferma a 0 punti in classifica, ma può contare su un gruppo compatto di giovani, tra i quali spicca il playmaker Luigi Marra, top scorer della Read more [...]
Nazdobeny budou také některé budovy ve městě, včetně magistrátu. Výzdoba se slavnostně rozzáří v pátek 29. listopadu, kdy bude zahájen „Advent ve městě“ a v podvečer se uskuteční jedna z jeho největších akcí „Rozsvícení Vánočního stromu“.  Stejně jako v předchozích letech se mohou občané města těšit na různé tvary i barvy ozdob na již tradičních místech, ke kterým patří frýdecké i místecké náměstí, ulice Frýdlantská, Ostravská, Read more [...]
Spanish event 981Heritage Son Estrella Galicia is set to head to London for a special date. Based in La Coruna, 981Heritage Son Estrella Galicia is a new festival which is rapidly making its mark. Focussing on breaking electronic music, the likes of Gilles Peterson, Hudson Mohawke, Nathan Fake, Actress and more have all dropped past the Spanish festival since its inception. Venturing beyond its home in Northern Spain last summer, the event plotted two special shows in Madrid and London. With Autumn Read more [...]
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has seized P2.5 million worth of shabu in a raid in Sampaloc, Manila Tuesday afternoon. Through a search warrant issued by Judge Reynaldo Alhambra of the Manila Regional Trial Court (RTC) branch 53, members of the NBI – Reaction Arrest and Interdiction Division (NBI-RAID) raided a suspected hideout of the notorious Pimentera drug syndicate and recovered more than half a kilo of metamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. The NBI, Read more [...]
El ministro de Justicia, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, confirmó que el Gobierno piensa recurrir en casación la sentencia del Prestige, que condena a nueve meses de prisión al capitán del  barco por un delito de desobediencia pero no en la parte de la  responsabilidad penal, sino por la inexistencia de una  responsabilidad civil. El adelanto de la noticia lo ha hecho el presidente de la Xunta de  Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, durante su intervención en el almuerzo  informativo del “ABC”. Read more [...]
Spider crab. (Photo: Julio Reis CC BY-SA 3.0) Spider crab capture starts in Galicia SPAIN Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 00:50 (GMT + 9) The Ministry for Rural and Maritime Affairs of Xunta de Galicia decided to open the spider crab capture season in the provinces Read more [...]
Ulice Dukelsk a S. K. Neumanna v centru Hradce Krlov po celkov rekonstrukci prokoukly. Ale o lpe se po nich lidem chod po irokch chodncch s cyklostezkou pes den, o to vt problm nastv po setmn.FotogalerieZobrazit fotogaleriiJakmile zajde slunce, zahal oba dleit hradeck bulvry vt tma, ne by bylo podle mnohch zdrvo. Nov svtla, jim se kvli ernm storm zaalo mezi Hradeky kat "ibenice", sice svt, ale chodci i idii mstsk dopravy soud, e jen velmi chab.Kdo po tdch, kter se thnou od hlavnho ndra pes nmst Read more [...]
AVERSA NORMANNA – D'Agostino, Nocerino, Djibo (34' st Balzano), Suarino, Porcaro, Prevete, Del Prete (22' st Vicentin), De Rosa, Galizia, Di Vicino, Orlando (44' st Villanova). A disp.: Salese, Miraglia, Romano, Varsi. All.: Di Costanzo VIGOR LAMEZIA – Rosti, Rapisarda, Malerba, Romano, Marchetti, Gattari, Zampaglione, Scarsella, Del Sante, Rondinelli, Voltasio (14' st De Giorgi, 45' st Strumbo). A disp.: Bibba, Gona, Perrino, Ferrara, Pirelli. All.: Novelli ARBITRO: Guccini di Albano Laziale RETI: Read more [...]

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