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Farà parte della squadra Mika nel talent-show più famoso al mondo la cantante di Castellanza (VA) Gaia Galizia, 21 anni.
Gaia ha avuto esperienze musicali in vari gruppo punk-rock di cui fa parte da quando aveva solo tredici anni e per ben sei anni ha studiato canto jazz e moderno, sempre con grande energia e passione alimentate dall’appoggio del padre e del fratello, entrambi musicisti.
Diplomata in sartoria Gaia coltiva anche una grande passione per la moda;
ha inoltre dichiarato
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300 000 Euro soll das Forschungsprojekt kosten und zwei Jahre lang in Galiziens Supercomputing Center laufen. Laut dem Open Source Observatory kommen 75 Prozent der Forschungsgelder von der Europäischen Kommission, dafür erforscht Galizien die Cloud-Lösungen auch gleich für andere Länder mit, namentlich Dänemark, Griechenland, Italien, Mazedonien und Großbritannien. Der Rest des Geldes kommt vom galizischen Ministerium für Kultur und Erziehung sowie von der Agentur für technologische
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New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/30/2013 -- King Penny Stocks is an elite financial community for investors and traders alike who are looking to potentially gain financial freedom through the markets on undervalued companies and “in-play” momentum penny stocks. Today We bring special trend analysis of following stocks: Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (ADR)(NASDAQ:GGAL), Career Education Corp.(NASDAQ:CECO), Meritor Inc(NYSE:MTOR), Cynosure, Inc.(NASDAQ:CYNO)
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (ADR)(NASDAQ:GGAL),
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Lewes, DE -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/30/2013 -- LeadingStockAlerts is a financial marketing firm that specializes in assisting the underserved small cap and micro-cap stock community. Out Today’s Focus is on: Career Education Corp. (NASDAQ:CECO), Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (ADR)(NASDAQ:GGAL), Galena Biopharma Inc (NASDAQ:GALE), ValueClick Inc (NASDAQ:VCLK)
Career Education Corp. (NASDAQ:CECO) opened its shares at the price of $5.75 for the day. Its closing price was $5.32 after losing -7.48% for
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Las Vegas, NV – Oct 30, 2013 — (Tech Sonian) – PennyStockEarnings team record for picking gainers is one of the best in the business, and our followers continue to make substantial profits – even in bear markets. Our Team includes top analysts and use level II screeners to get you the information you need to make intelligent decisions for trading penny stocks. Our Today’s Focus is On: Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE:OWW), Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (ADR) (NASDAQ:GGAL), Endeavour Silver
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CHANTADA, Spain, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- Spanish electricity provider Gas Natural Fenosa this week inaugurated a hydropower plant in Galicia as a state official promised more investment in renewable energy sources.Gas Natural Fenosa President Salvador Gabarro and Alberto Nunez Feijoo, president of the Galicia autonomous region of northern Spain, presided Monday as the $34 million mini-hydro plant was commissioned at the Belesar Dam along the River Mino near Chantada.The 20-megawatt station has two twin
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TRENTO. Il quinto appuntamento della rassegna cinematografica organizzata nell'ambito del progetto "Trentino Italia storie pop" è con il documentario di Vittorio Curzel “Fino a quando” (2011, 55')....
TRENTO. Il quinto appuntamento della rassegna cinematografica organizzata nell'ambito del progetto "Trentino Italia storie pop" è con il documentario di Vittorio Curzel “Fino a quando” (2011,
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Manuel Fernández de Sousa. (Photo: Stock File)
Pescanova’s former chairperson sues the company for 'unfair dismissal'
Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 00:50 (GMT + 9)
After having been the chairperson of the Galician multinational firm Pescanova, Manuel
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NEW YORK, October 29, 2013 -- /PRNewswire/ --Editor Note: For more information about this release, please scroll to bottom.Today, Analysts' Corner announced new research reports highlighting Lloyds Banking Group plc (NYSE: LYG), Old Republic International Corp. (NYSE: ORI), Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMBC), DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc. (NYSE: DFT), and Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ: GGAL). Today's readers may access these reports free of charge - including full price
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