Tuna vessel. (Photo: Anfaco)

Galicia allocates EUR 3.4 million for permanent cessation of fishing vessels


Thursday, October 31, 2013, 23:10 (GMT + 9)

The Secretariat of Rural and Marine Affairs of the Xunta de Galicia allocates a total budget of EUR 3.4 million for this year for the permanent cessation of fishing activities of the vessels operating in international fisheries grounds and those of third countries.

This call for aid, which is included today in Diario Oficial de Galicia, is intended to adjust the fishing capacity of the fleet to marine resources by reducing the fishing effort for those segments that had little chance of achieving the objective of the adjustment with public funding.

The amount of this aid will be funded by the European Fisheries Fund and the State and the owners of vessels belonging to international fishing ground surveys and those of third countries having their home port in Galicia will be able to qualify for it. The deadline for submitting applications is one month from tomorrow, the day after its publication.

To choose these contributions, the boat must be a minimum of 10 years old and must be authorised according to both the Register of Fishing Vessels and in the Autonomous Community and the Fishing Fleet Operation, and have a minimum fishing activity.

This call can only be made for vessels included in the National Decommissioning Plan pursuant to Royal Decree 1362/2011, rules through which the said Plan is set.

With the publication of this Order, the department headed by Rosa Quintana aims to achieve a sustainable balance to ensure that fishing remains an economic development activity for our community and, therefore, the requirements, obligations and conditions for granting the aids are governed by the rules for permanent cessation aids of the Autonomous Community of Galicia.


Photo Courtesy of FIS Member  ANFACO-CECOPESCA – Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Conservas de Pescados y Mariscos-


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