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Am Sonntag, 24. März bekommt Jenny Erpenbeck der Schubart-Literaturpreis der Stadt Aalen
Was wäre gewesen, wenn ein in Galizien geborenes kleines Mädchen den Säuglingstod überlebt hätte? Oder wenn sie als erwachsene Frau nicht in einem sowjetischen Straflager umgekommen wäre? Solch ungewöhnliche Gedankenexperimente wagt die Autorin Jenny Erpenbeck mit ihrem Roman „Aller Tage Abend“. Und hat mit diesem literarischen Experiment Erfolg: Die Jury des Schubart-Literaturpreises Aalen
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Rosa Quintana, head of the Ministry of Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia. (Photo: Xunta de Galicia)
Fishermen end strike after Xunta’s commitment to analyse claims
Friday, March 01, 2013, 01:10 (GMT + 9)
After having been moored for eight days,
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Lakeway, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/28/2013 -- vb-news.net, an investment community with a special focus on updating investors with recent news on the U.S. stock market, issues news alert on the following stocks:-
Bancolombia S.A. (ADR) (NYSE:CIB) shares lost 0.53% to $65.33. Bancolombia SA is a Colombia-based financial institution primarily engaged, together with its subsidiaries, in the banking sector. The Company provides a range of financial products and services to individual and corporate customers,
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Recupero Serie D/H: L´Ischia si confermna capolista, Matera Ko all´extra time
mercoledì 27 febbraio 2013
Partita al cardiopalma quella andata in scena al “Mazzella”,dove l’Ischia grazie alla rete di Tito al 92’ ha steso il Matera.Da segnalare prima del match, l’aggressione ai danni di Peppe Di Costanzo (ex dirigente e presidente del sodalizio isolano) intervenuto nell’intento di placare gli animi tra un numero sparuto di tifosi ischitani e materani.Mister Campilongo,ancora assente
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Posted on Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 at 12:26 PM
By Damilare Aiki
BellaNaija Style is always on the look out for international celebrities rocking pieces by African designers. Over time we have spotted Solange Knowles, LeeLee Sobieski, Naomi Harris and Kelis all dressed in gorgeous creations by Africa’s very own.
On Thursday 21st February 2013, Django Unchained actress Nichole Galicia was spotted in an Iconic Invanity dress at the Lexus Short Film Series’ “Life
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Guillermina Valdes al ritmo de la percusión. Como celebración del Carnaval, Galicia Éminent, la línea premium del Banco Galicia organizó en José Ignacio un festejo de estilo rioplatense para toda la familia. Para acompañar la puesta de sol sobre La Mansa, en el Parador Posada del Faro, invitaron a una murga uruguaya con sus tamboriles. Además, un grupo de maquilladores pintaba antifaces y flores en los más chicos.
Durante una hora, la pegadiza música murguera animó a batir
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Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam said that Elba Esther Gordillo, who has led the 1.5 million-member National Union of Education Worker for 23 years, was detained in Toluca on charges that she embezzled 2.6 billion pesos (about $200 million) from union funds.Her arrest comes a day after President Enrique Pena Nieto signed Mexico's most sweeping education reform in seven decades into law, seeking to change a system in which teaching positions could be sold or inherited, and no official census
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Trawler in Vivero, Galicia. (Photo: O roxo - CC BY-SA 2.0)
Trawlers’ strike prevented mackerel fishing start
Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 01:10 (GMT + 9)
The Galician trawler sector decided to continue on strike, despite the start of the mackerel
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La Technoacque vede allontanarsi i playoff. Il Terlizzi, ottavo in classifica (ultimo posto per accedere ai playoff), espugna il tensostatico di via Galizia e la contemporanea vittoria del Santeramo contro il Trani fa sì che il distacco dalla zona playoff sia ora di sei punti. Fortunatamente il distacco dal tredicesimo rimane invariato a otto punti e quindi la zona retrocessione è a distanza di sicurezza.
La Technoacque inizia con Santoro, Rosato, Masi, Persichella e Risolo. Il Terlizzi nel
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