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A lo largo de los ltimos meses, todas las predicciones econmicas para el futuro inmediato han ido presentado panoramas cada vez ms oscuros: si en este momento hay un punto de encuentro entre los organismos de anlisis econmico, ste es que 2013 no ser un buen ao, pues se espera una recesin leve en Europa (la segunda en menos de un lustro, algo desconocido en bastantes dcadas), que ser muy intensa en los pases de la periferia. El conjunto de la economa mundial ver su crecimiento significativamente
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FASANO- Peggiorano sempre più le condizioni del tensostatico di via Galizia, il cui telone plastico di copertura, gravemente danneggiato, rischia di cedere da un momento all'altro. La struttura, costruita nei primi anni '90 ed in funzione dal '97, necessita di urgenti lavori di ristrutturazione al fine di evitare seri pericoli alle centinaia di tesserati (la maggioranza dei quali bambini e ragazzi) ed appassionati che costantemente frequentano la struttura
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
SENATOR Franklin Drilon named and appointed Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) assistant Regional Director Joel Galicia as the “Action Man” in the rehabilitation of more than 44,000 families affected by Tropical Storm “Quinta.”
Galicia will work closely with DSWD Undersecretary Parisya Taradji in formulating a core shelter program for 1,279 victims who were rendered homeless by Quinta.
A damage
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Rodrigo Romani – As Arpas de BreogánRodrigo Romani
As Arpas de Breogán (Fol Musica, 2012)
Although Galicia (Spain) is considered one of the regions of the Celtic music world, the Celtic harp was introduced in the 1970s by Emilio Cao. Renaissance man Rodrigo Romani is another harp pioneer and a crucial figure in contemporary Galician folk music.
As Arpas de Breogán (Breogan Harps) is Romani’s new solo album. It’s a tribute to Celtic harp music and it’s a multi-faceted recording. The
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Angela June Iott Galicia, 28, of High Point, N.C. died Thursday at the Hospice Home at High Point.
Born Nov.17, 1984, in Monroe, Mich., she is a daughter of Pat and Sue Iott of High Point.
Angela is a 2003 graduate of St. Mary Catholic Central High School in Monroe, Mich., and a 2006 graduate of Le Cordon Bleu in Minneapolis, Minn.
She pursued her career as a chef at Nobles Restaurant in High Point and at the Stratford Retirement Community. She enjoyed gardening and time with her family.
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El escritor lucense Francisco Narla presentar este viernes 28 su novela "Assur", que cuenta la historia de un hroe que surgi de tierras galegas para vengar las incursiones vikingas en la pennsula ibrica. La cita tendr lugar a partir de las 20.30 horas en la librera Casa das Letras de Ribadeo. Precisamente el autor fue el encargado de inaugurar el programa de la segunda edicin de la Festa Normanda que se celebr a finales de agosto en Foz hablando de las incursiones vikingas en el Antiguo Reino
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Inter-faction group Halychyna formed in parliament
25-12-2012 12:14
The Verkhovna Rada has created the inter-faction parliamentary group Halychyna, Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Rybak announced from the parliamentary rostrum."The inter-faction group will be led by MP Roman Cherneha," the speaker said.
In addition, Rybak said that Vasyl Poliakov, who replaced Mykola Azarov in parliament, was included in the parliamentary
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The final 100km of the camino between Ourense and Santiago is far from a flat picnic, although the real highlands are now behind you. The first stop is Cea. This is a village where they take their bread very seriously. The sign on the outskirts of the village tells you that you are entering a place onde o pan é arte
Sculpture to the unknown bread-maker in Cea, Galicia
– "where the bread is art". They have been making their special bread –
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Avversario di turno sarà il Castellaneta. Venerdì 28 dicembre in programma la festa di tutto il movimento cestistico fasanese
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AURORA, Ore. – A drunk driver crashed into a ditch and damaged a natural gas line on Highway 99E, closing the highway for two hours Saturday morning, police said.
At around 6 a.m., 22-year-old Francisco Galicia of Canby took off before firefighters and police arrived after crashing his 2006 Chevrolet Malibu between Highway 551 and Aurora, said Lt. Gregg Hastings with Oregon State Police.
Local residents were informed of the gas line leak while the natural gas company repaired
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