Orest Krasiwski: "Stosunki ukraińsko-polskie w latach 1917-1923" Dodane przez Zalewski Opublikowano: Środa, 11 lipca 2012 o godz. 21:09:53   Tweet Zdarzają się w monografii pewne dość kontrowersyjne tezy (np. teza o przymusowych przesiedleniach Ukraińców), ale ogólnie rzecz biorąc jest to praca napisana dobrze, a badania przeprowadzone w niej są bardzo wnikliwie i zarazem szczegółowe. Czy podoba Ci się ten Read more [...]
Recenzja książki Oresta Krasiwskiego "Stosunki ukraińsko-polskie w latach 1917-1923" Dodane przez Zalewski Opublikowano: Środa, 11 lipca 2012 o godz. 21:09:53   Tweet Recenzja naukowa książki Oresta Krasiwskiego "Stosunki ukraińsko-polskie w latach 1917-1923"; red. tomu Katarzyna Jędraszczyk, Wydawnictwo Polskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk; Instytut Kultury Europejskiej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Read more [...]
The Iberian wolf lives in increasingly humanised landscapes, with limited food resources and its presence is not always welcome. But, according to Spanish researchers, food availability plays a secondary role compared to landscape characteristics, which can offer refuge and allow wolves to remain in human-dominated environments in Galicia.The habitat of the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) varies greatly across the Iberian Peninsula and its diet revolves around what is available, ranging from Read more [...]
The habitat of the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) varies greatly across the Iberian Peninsula and its diet revolves around what is available, ranging from wild animals to domestic waste. In contrast, this predator is able to survive in humanised landscapes where characteristics provide them refuge from humans. "Although the wolf boasts highly adaptable strategies for survival, landscape is the factor we have analysed that best explains their distribution across Galicia," as explained Read more [...]
LA CORUNA (GALIZIA) – La crisi economica c’è e si vede. Tuttavia, se nella maggior parte dei casi è la gente comune a sentirne le conseguenze più pesanti, a volte anche i ricchi (e i super-ricchi) se la passano male. E’ il caso di Amancio Ortega, patron spagnolo del noto marchio Zara. Ortega di recente ha perso la bellezza di circa due milioni di dollari a causa del crollo sul mercato azionario delle azioni di Inditex SA (ITX), società che detiene il controllo di marchi importanti Read more [...]
Wolfgang VogtPiotr Niewadomski, el protagonista de la novela "La sal de la tierra" que el novelista polaco Józef Wittlin publicó en 1935, tiene cierto parecido con el buen soldado Schweik del novelista checo Jaroslav HaÅ¡ek. Los dos son personas sencillas sin instrucción ninguna y les toca participar en la I Guerra Mundial sin entender realmente los motivos de esta guerra. Piotr, hijo ilegítimo de una campesina de la provincia austriaca oriental de Galitzia, no sabe nada de la identidad de Read more [...]
Hundreds of wild horses were rounded up from the mountains of Northwestern Spain during the “Rapa Das Bestas” festival (Shearing of the Beasts) to be trimmed and marked on July 9, 2012. This 400-year-old festival occurs in Sanbucedo, 30 miles from Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.  Photographer Miguel Riopa documented the scene as the “Aloitadores” (fighters)  struggled to tame the wild animals. Read more [...]
Club Deportivo Lugo have always played second or even third fiddle, when the footballing rations have been dealt out in Galicia. Deportivo La Coruna and Celta Vigo are the region’s big-wigs, and from time to time, SD Compostela and Pontevedra CF have muscled in on the act. Even when on the one previous occasion CD Lugo made it to La Segunda, the fun lasted for just the one season. CD Lugo are not the first team from the city to play Read more [...]
By Paul Milligan PUBLISHED: 20:50 GMT, 9 July 2012 | UPDATED: 10:39 GMT, 10 July 2012 The annual Rapa das Bestas festival in Spain is not for the faint-hearted, as it pits man against horse in an incredible wrestling match.The 400-year old tradition of Rapa das Bestas, which translates as ‘cropping the beasts’, sees locals attempt to wrestle wild horses to the ground, before cropping their manes.   The horses come from the mountains of Galicia, in the northwestern region of Read more [...]
By Paul Milligan PUBLISHED: 20:50 GMT, 9 July 2012 | UPDATED: 10:39 GMT, 10 July 2012 The annual Rapa das Bestas festival in Spain is not for the faint-hearted, as it pits man against horse in an incredible wrestling match.The 400-year old tradition of Rapa das Bestas, which translates as ‘cropping the beasts’, sees locals attempt to wrestle wild horses to the ground, before cropping their manes.   The horses come from the mountains of Galicia, in the northwestern region of Read more [...]

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