Thomson Reuters’ First Call conducted the survey of numerous brokerage firms following which it was noted that Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL)expects to reach $27.60 in next one year. These brokerage firms expect the company to announce earnings of $0.62 per share in next quarter and $3.12 for the current year. Technical View As per the technical analysis of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A., the stock is 0.65 or +2.59% distant from 50-day moving average of $25.29. It is $3.77 Read more [...]
Few brokerage companies covering Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) have projected its price target and earnings. According to them, the company’s stock can reach a price target of 27.60 in the next one year. In last one year, the company’s earnings per share averaged at 2.26. Now, in the forthcoming quarter, First Call projects the stock to deliver EPS of 0.62. The earnings projections for this fiscal and the next year is projected at 3.12 and 2.52 respectively. In recent trading Read more [...]
Shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) have been given a consensus broker rating score of 2.67 (Hold) from the three brokers that cover the stock, Zacks Investment Research reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a strong sell rating, one has issued a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company. Grupo Financiero Galicia’s rating score has declined by 18.7% from three months ago as a result of a number of analysts’ ratings changes. Read more [...]
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) was downgraded by Zacks Investment Research from a “strong-buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a report released on Wednesday, Market Beat Ratings reports. According to Zacks, “Grupo Financiero Galicia SA. is involved in the Financial Services Industry. Their principal activity is to continue to be a financial and investment services holding company and to fulfill the banking services activities of Banco Galicia. “ An institutional Read more [...]
Guatemala could soon have a special office dedicated to the investigation of fatal crimes against women and girls, which would put it alongside a handful of other Latin American countries that have already Read more [...]
Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) from a strong-buy rating to a hold rating in a report published on Wednesday, Analyst Ratings Net reports. According to Zacks, “Grupo Financiero Galicia SA. is involved in the Financial Services Industry. Their principal activity is to continue to be a financial and investment services holding company and to fulfill the banking services activities of Banco Galicia. “ A hedge fund recently Read more [...]
Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) from a strong-buy rating to a hold rating in a report published on Wednesday, Analyst Ratings Net reports. According to Zacks, “Grupo Financiero Galicia SA. is involved in the Financial Services Industry. Their principal activity is to continue to be a financial and investment services holding company and to fulfill the banking services activities of Banco Galicia. “ A hedge fund recently Read more [...]
21 de enero de 2016, 10:27Madrid, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) King Felipe VI will continue his meetings on Thursday with the political parties represented in the Congress of Deputies to probe their stance before the inauguration of the new president of the Spanish government. On Wednesday, the King met with the leaders of Democracia y Libertad (Catalonian right wing), Izquierda Unida (IU) and En Marea (confluence of Podemos in Galicia), on the third day of a round of consultations in light of the Read more [...]
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) has been given a consensus broker rating score of 2.67 (Hold) from the three brokers that provide coverage for the stock, Zacks Investment Research reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a strong sell recommendation, one has assigned a buy recommendation and one has given a strong buy recommendation to the company. Grupo Financiero Galicia’s rating score has declined by 18.7% in the last 90 days as a result of various Read more [...]
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) has been given a consensus broker rating score of 2.67 (Hold) from the three brokers that provide coverage for the stock, Zacks Investment Research reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a strong sell recommendation, one has assigned a buy recommendation and one has given a strong buy recommendation to the company. Grupo Financiero Galicia’s rating score has declined by 18.7% in the last 90 days as a result of various Read more [...]

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