A round of showers will provide some relief to the drought conditions across southeastern Spain this week.

The showers will come from a wave of energy off the Atlantic, beginning in northwestern Spain late on Tuesday night.

“For the most part, western Galicia will endure the worst effects before daybreak,” AccuWeather Meteorologist Tyler Roys said.

The rain will continue for Galicia and Asturias during the morning, slowly making its way into Madrid and Extremadura by the afternoon. By the end of the day, showers will reach Castilla La Mancha, Murcia and Andalucia.

“These showers will be light in nature on Wednesday,” Roys added. “This will help the ground to slowly absorb the rain water, rather than causing running water and flooding issues for the southern half of the country.”

Following this system, the dry weather will return for Thursday. Some showers could reach Galicia on Friday, with a new front passing off to the north.

The end of January continues to be very dry month for much of Spain. With the exception of Galicia and western Castile y Leon, much of the country has been desperate for rain so far in 2016.

Some of the driest conditions exist along the Mediterranean coast for cities like Barcelona and Valencia.

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Valencia will be close to the incoming showers on Wednesday. The showers will mostly be off to the south, almost missing the city that has received only 1 mm (0.04 of an inch) of rain in the first 17 days of January. This is very dry compared to the 13 mm (0.53 of an inch) of rain that is normal for the month.

The city of Malaga in southern Andalucia will also welcome the showers on the way. Midway through the month, the city has recorded 8 mm (0.33 of an inch) of precipitation. The showery weather should help move the monthly total closer to the January average of 17 mm (0.69 of an inch).

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