Mussel processing (Photo: ANFACO)
Galicia allocates EUR 2 million to improve purification systems in mussel cookers
Thursday, January 07, 2016, 22:50 (GMT + 9)
Diario Oficial de Galicia has published the regulatory bases and the 2016 announcement of aids for mussel cooking facilities aiming at installing treatment plants for wastewater from the cooking process. The Ministry of Marine Affaires allocates these EUR 2 million aids, co-financed with the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP) by 75 per cent.
The Galician Government notes that this regulation is a result of the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Xunta, the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), the Galician Mussel Cooker Association (Agacome) and ten companies of the sector. The purpose of the measure is to promote actions to improve wastewater by implementing the most effective purification systems according to the best available technologies in each particular case, with the aim of reducing the discharge parameters in this production field.
The subsidies aim to promote necessary investments to implement water purification systems in mussel cooking factories respectful and consistent with a good ecological water status. This way, wastewater treatment system elements of industries and constructions and auxiliary elements thereof mainly engaged in the mussel cooking process, which directly discharge their industrial wastewater inland or in continental waters, sea or public sewer can be eligible to be financed.
Owners of existing establishments in Galicia, whose main activity is mussel cooking are eligible for these aid provided that at least 75 per cent of the total purchases of raw material is fresh mussel for processing in the two years preceding the filing of the application for assistance.
To obtain the status of beneficiary of this aid it is an essential requirement that the applicant has signed the protocol of cooperation that led to this regulation of which the Ministry of Marine Affairs, Aguas de Galicia, the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Agacome Association and other companies form part. Those companies that have not signed the protocol initially, but adhere to it by the deadline for submission of applications may also be eligible for this aid.
The deadline for applications is one month from 1 January 2016, following the publication of this order in Diario Oficial de Galicia.
Photo Courtesy of FIS Member ANFACO-CECOPESCA – Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Conservas de Pescados y Mariscos-
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