Shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) have been given a Buy-Sell rating of 2.25 by Zacks Research. This is based on 1 analyst reports taken into consideration. Brokerage research firms often use different terminology for their stock recommendations. In order to get a simplified consensus recommendation, Zacks uses a simplified 1 to 5 scale in order to obtain an Average Broker Rating. 1 represents a Strong Buy recommendation where 5 a Strong Sell. Stocks with a low rating means they are a Buy or Strong Buy based on analyst consensus opinion. A stock with a higher rating (3-5) yields an average recommendation of Hold, Sell or Strong Sell. Three months ago the stock had a 2.25 rating, which gives an idea of which direction sentiment is headed.

Taking a look at price target projections, covering sell-side analysts have placed a one year objective of $40 on a consensus basis. The projections range from the most bullish number of $40 to the most conservative of $40.

Earnings Look

Brokerage firms and investors will be watching when Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) reports their next earnings announcement on or around 2015-11-04. Analysts are anticipating earnings of $0.62 for the current fiscal quarter which closes on 2015-09-30 for the firm. This is the consensus or average EPS number based on the analysts polled by Zacks. This number can often slightly differ from the Thomson Reuters First Call estimate.

Earnings per share is often the most important number of the earnings release as an earnings surprise can lead to swings in the share price immediately following the release. Most recently the firm posted an earnings surprise of 15.49%. The reported EPS number was $0.11 away from what analysts had expected.

In looking at more immediate sentiment, we can take a look at Alpha One sentiment analysis on the stock. This helps identify the daily attitude of an equity based on news reports and articles and whether or not the news might positively or negatively impact the stock, based on a -1 to 1 scale. The sentiment score for Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. based on news from 2015-07-10 yields a score of 0. Alpha One also offers daily impact scores which indicate how likely company news on a given day will impact the company’s stock by more than 1%. This is based on a 1-100 scale with 100 being very likely that the stock will move on the news. For 2015-07-10 shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. were given an impact score of N/A.

Shares of the stock traded in the range of $17.47 to 18.43 and closed the most recent session at 17.98.

Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (Grupo Financiero Galicia) is a financial services holding company. Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A. (Banco Galicia) is the Company’s largest subsidiary. Banco Galicia is a bank that provides, directly or through its subsidiaries, a range of financial products and services to large corporations, small and medium sized companies (SMEs), and individuals. Through the operating subsidiaries of Tarjetas Regionales S.A., a holding company wholly owned by the Bank, the Company provides brand credit cards and consumer finance services throughout Argentina. Through Sudamericana Holding S.A. and its subsidiaries (Sudamericana) it provides insurance products in Argentina. It provides financial services through a distribution platform amongst private-sector financial institutions in Argentina. In November 2013, the Company announced the merger by incorporation of Lagarcue SA and Theseus SA into the Company with all their assets and liabilities.


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