A science technology, engineering, art, math expo took place at the Josiah Quincy Elementary School on June 17. Architecture firm Architerra presented on the importance of civil engineering for bridge safety. (Image courtesy of Ling-Mei Wong.) 昆士小學舉辦一場科學、科技、工程、藝術及數學博覽會於6月17日。建築師樓Architerra用道具解釋土木工程對於橋樑安全的重要性。(圖片由黃靈美攝。)

A science technology, engineering, art, math expo took place at the Josiah Quincy Elementary School on June 17. Architecture firm Architerra presented on the importance of civil engineering for bridge safety. (Image courtesy of Ling-Mei Wong.)

By Ling-Mei Wong


A science technology, engineering, art, math (STEAM) expo took place at the Josiah Quincy Elementary School on June 17.

Students showcased STEAM-related projects and traveled around the building to view other class projects. Organizations Architerra, the JQS Green Team, Eversource and Solar City set up tables in the library so students could interact with STEAM professionals.

Science teacher Wai Chin Ng organized the expo and invited the guests. Architecture firm Architerra used props to demonstrate bridge safety, while BWSC brought water samples to show how it was purified. Other guests included ASME, Launch, Boston Harbor Islands and Liberty Mutual.

Chef Marc Orfaly of Beehive and Pomodoro gave fourth graders in Phil Amara’s class suggestions on kitchen science. His daughter attends first grade at the school. (Image courtesy of Phil Amara.) Beehive和Pomodoro的廚師Marc Orfaly到昆士小學四年班介紹廚房裡的科學。他的女兒在昆士小學上一年班。(圖片由Phil Amara攝。)

Chef Marc Orfaly of Beehive and Pomodoro gave fourth graders in Phil Amara’s class suggestions on kitchen science. His daughter attends first grade at the school. (Image courtesy of Phil Amara.)

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