Crew members of a fishing vessel belonging to Grupo Albacora. (Photo: Albacora)

Albacora to sign first collective agreement for non-EU workers


Tuesday, June 02, 2015, 01:50 (GMT + 9)

On Tuesday the company Albacora will sign the first Spain’s collective agreement for non-EU workers who are enrolled in its boats. Thus, the largest tuna ship-owners’ firm in Europe will be key in a milestone for the national fishing fleet.

According to the newspaper La Opinion, the tuna company will sign this historic agreement with the UGT union and the International Transport Federation (ITF).

It is expected the set conditions improve even in the case of those set by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

Currently, Albacore owns 17 vessels.

According to ITF inspector for Galicia and Asturias, Luz Baz, “the fact that a company that is as prestigious as this one does it represents a very important step.”

“Now we hope that other large companies, such as Calvo or Pescanova to name two from Galicia, will join the initiative,” she added.

The settlement of this agreement is the result of negotiations held by Albarcora in recent months, and that came as a result of a problem with a sailor.

“That was perfectly solved and after talking with the legal department of the company we decided to develop this,” explained Baz.

With this agreement, the crew will have “the right to assistance and union representation.”

In addition, the pact will include some minimum boarding periods, rights before and after boarding, conditions to put an end to the contract and a salary grid fixed in advance.

Baz explained that another goal is to help non-EU crew members to differentiate serious shipowners like Albacora from those who are not.

Company freezer vessels belonging to the firm operate in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and are mainly engaged in the capture, storage, distribution and sale of commercial species such as yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bonito (Katsunomis pelamis).

By Analia Murias


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