Telefonszámunk: +36 1 436 2000 Terjesztés HVG Kiadó Zrt.: +36 1 436 2045[email protected] E-mail címünk: A szerkesztősége:[email protected] A HVG Hetilap szerkesztősége:[email protected] Read more [...]
Hat emberrel végzett egy 55 éves férfi vasárnap egy esküvőn a szerb-magyar határhoz közel eső vajdasági Martonoson. Az ámokfutó örömapa is meghalt. Az első hírek szerint végzett magával, a legfrissebb információk szerint azonban lehet, hogy az egyik vendég lőtte le. A szerb belügyminisztérium vasárnapi közlemény szerint a férfi egy vadászpuskából több lövést adott le a 25-74 éves áldozatokra. A belügyi tárca szerint feltételezhetően Read more [...]
Spain pushing for lead role in EU aquaculture drive With investment in 10 new farmed species, a focus on tech, and 'generous' EU grants, could Spain lead Europe's aquaculture revolution? Read more [...]
The French rookie rider Fabio Quartaro takes pole for the second consecutive time this season under difficult conditions ahead of his home crowd, while Kent languishes in the rear of the starting grid. Before qualifying started rain threatened, making it vital to get out on track quickly and take advantage of dry conditions in case the weather worsened. As soon as the session opened, riders took to the track in a hurry and set to work, hunting for an early hot lap. Fabio Quartararo and teammate Read more [...]

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Fabio Quartararo will start his first ever home Grand Prix from pole position after rain brought a halt to qualifying at Le Mans. The French teenager clocked the fastest time in a frantic first few minutes before the weather turned nasty, ruining any chance of his rivals challenging him. Conditions started to take a turn for the worse in the moments before qualifying got underway and predictably, a queue formed at the end of the pitlane to set a banker lap immediately. Many made mistakes Read more [...]
Ci sono diversi itinerari per arrivare a Santiago de Compostela, ma quello più popolare segue il Cammino francese. Comincia sui Pirenei e procede lungo due varianti che corrispondono a due diversi punti di ingresso: Roncisvalle (in Navarra) e Somport (in Aragona). I percorsi si unificano presso la località di Puente la Reina, per dirigersi poi verso la Galizia, attraversando i territori di La Rioja e Castiglia Read more [...]
When people think of bagpipers, Scotland enters the consciousness. But don't say that to Cristina Pato, a Galician bagpiper who also has careers as a pianist and composer. For Pato, the bagpipes are her passion, and she is set to release a new album entitled "Latina," which she noted is an exploratory journey of what it means to be Latino across numerous cultures. Pato became a star in her home country before moving to the U.S. to obtain her doctorate. She has had the pleasure of performing alongside Read more [...]
Tuna loins. (Photo: Stock File) Galicia demands tariff quota expansion for tuna loins SPAIN Friday, May 15, 2015, 23:30 (GMT + 9) The Galician Parliament approved a motion to urge the central government, through an emergency procedure, to request the Read more [...]

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