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Non c'è solo Astarita, non c'è solo il nuovo scandalo scommesse che ha colpito la Lega Pro e la Serie D. Sono arrivate, infatti, le prime squalifiche riguardanti i pagamenti in nero della Nocerina nei confronti di alcuni suoi ex giocatatori e collaboratori. Tra i nomi coinvolti, insieme ai vari Plasmati, ora al Leyton Orient, e all'agente di calciatori Antonio Rebesco, figurano due conoscenze dell'ambiente calcistico sannita. É stato inibito per 20 giorni e multato di 1333 euro, infatti, Ivano
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Pescanova's creditor banks believe the ten subsidiaries that filed for voluntary bankruptcy proceedings last year will be rescued, following the shareholders' meeting to be held on May 29.
This means the possible liquidation of the shrimp processor Bajamar Septima and the breaded and battered fish processor Frinova is out of the question, La Voz de Galicia reports.
Creditor banks -- or the so-called "G7", that is, Bank Sabadell, Popular, Caixabank, Abanca, BBVA, Bankia and UBI Banca -- hold
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Grobest to launch five new fish feed mills, continue IPO drive
New mills will be up and running by next year in Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and China as company pursues its rapid expansion drive.
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Vista la comunicazione della Procura Federale relativa al provvedimento di conclusione delle indagini di cui al procedimento n. 430pf13-14 adottato nei confronti del Sig. Gianvito PLASMATI (calciatore della società A.S.G. NOCERINA S.R.L.), del Sig. Antonio REBESCO (agente di calciatori), del Sig. Ivano PASTORE (collaboratore sportivo e componente della segreteria della società A.S.G. NOCERINA S.R.L.), del Sig. Salvatore GALIZIA (calciatore della società
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
X Factor (noun): A hard-to-describe influence or quality; an important element with unknown consequences; also written X-Factor.
Based off of that definition, the Miami Dolphins have plenty of X-factors, but the most underrated is linebacker Jelani Jenkins.
The Dolphins are thin at the position as it is, with Jenkins starting as the weak-side linebacker alongside middle linebacker Koa Misi and strong-side linebacker Chris McCain. Behind them is a mixture
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Below are the top NASDAQ stocks in the financial sector in terms of EPS growth forecast for the next five years.
Zillow Group Inc (NASDAQ: Z) earnings per share growth forecast for the next five years is 65.25 percent. Zillow's trailing-twelve-month revenue is $386.90 million.
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (ADR) (NASDAQ: GGAL) EPS growth forecast for the next five years is 45.30 percent. Grupo Financiero Galicia's trailing-twelve-month
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The document was signed on May 15, the Ukrainian parliament said Monday.
The UPA was established as the armed wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in 1942. The UPA operated mainly in western Ukraine, fighting against Soviet forces on the side of Nazi Germany. In 1943, the UPA massacred as many as 100,000 Polish civilians in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia.
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
X Factor (noun): A hard-to-describe influence or quality; an important element with unknown consequences; also written X-Factor.
Based off of that definition, the Miami Dolphins have plenty of X-factors, but the most underrated is linebacker Jelani Jenkins.
The Dolphins are thin at the position as it is, with Jenkins starting as the weak-side linebacker alongside middle linebacker Koa Misi and strong-side linebacker Chris McCain. Behind them is a mixture
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
The Galician Parliament approved a motion to urge the central government, through an emergency procedure, to request an extension for the 2016- 2018 period up to a total of 30,000 metric tons of tuna loins at zero tariff.
This backs the request of the association of Spanish canners Anfaco on the 30,000t quota, as it has a key "impact on competitiveness and employment levels," it said.
Anfaco highlighted that achieving a tuna loin quota amounting to 30,000t with 0% tariff and an a clause
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Filed Under HU | Прокоментуй!
Meztlb, vltzve rohant be az mokfut a szombati misre, szttrt egy feszletet is.
Tombol frfi okozott botrnyt Szegeden, a Rkus templomban: a lthatan zavart illet rvidnadrgban, meztlb rohant be a szombati misre, s a szertartst megszaktva ordtani kezdett.
Trt-zzott a templomban
Mivel nem tudtk megnyugtatni, a hvek rendrt hvtak hozz, s elhagytk a helysznt. A jrrk ksbb az oltr mgtt rejtzve talltk meg a frfit, aki egy megronglt Jzus szobrot szorongatott. A templomot feldl mokfut
ketttrt egy feszletet
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