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Bus driver murdered in e.Lebanon gas station  A Lebanese bus driver was found lying in a pool of blood inside a room at a gas station in east Lebanon, a security... Read more [...]
Raj na krańcu świata Niektórzy mówią o Galicji: „kraina tysiąca rzek” – dzięki nim roślinność jest bujna przez cały rok, a powietrze orzeźwiające i wilgotne. Temperatury nie są tak nieznośne, jak w innych, znanych turystom, letnich kurortach. To nadzwyczajnie gościnna ziemia, która turystów wita z otwartymi ramionami. Warto spędzić tu choćby parę dni, żeby skosztować specjałów z galicyjskich winnic i piwnic. Tym bardziej że można trafić na ciekawe oferty i Read more [...]
Vista la comunicazione della Procura Federale relativa al provvedimento di conclusione delle indagini di cui al procedimento n. 430pf13-14 adottato nei confronti del Sig. Gianvito PLASMATI (calciatore della società A.S.G. NOCERINA S.R.L.), del Sig. Antonio REBESCO (agente di calciatori), del Sig. Ivano PASTORE (collaboratore sportivo e componente della segreteria della società A.S.G. NOCERINA S.R.L.), del Sig. Salvatore GALIZIA (calciatore della società A.S.G. NOCERINA S.R.L.) avente Read more [...]
    DJIBOUTI — The hulking P-3C Orion aircraft prepares to take off from a military base in the Horn of African nation of Djibouti, on the latest mission hunting pirates off Somalia's coast. Equiped with surveillance cameras, the German military aircraft will head along Somalia's long desert coastline searching for “suspicious Read more [...]
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) shares closed the last trading session at 22.51. In the current trading session the stock reached as high as 22.62 and dipped down to 22.16. Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A., a NCM listed company, has a current market cap of 2.89B and on average over the past 3 months has seen 524233 shares trade hands on a daily basis. On a technical level the stock has a 50 Day Moving Average of 22.53. Based on a recent trade, this puts the equity at -1.22% away Read more [...]
For some, Xosé Filgueira Valverde was a prominent intellectual whose selfless public service included a spell as mayor of his home town. But for others, he was a dictator’s puppet who enjoyed a successful career thanks to his collusion with an authoritarian regime which repressed his home region’s language.These conflicting views have been at the heart of a bitter dispute surrounding this year’s Día das Letras (or Day of Letters), when the region of Galicia, in northwestern Spain, celebrates Read more [...]
Banco Sabadell is one of the main Pescanova's creditor banks. (Photo: Lofor CC BY-SA 2.5/FIS) Good prospects noted for the future of Pescanova’s subsidiaries SPAIN Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 23:10 (GMT + 9) A feeling of optimism surrounds the future of Read more [...]
Attacco Museo Bardo: Milano, Touil Abdelmajid arrivato in Italia su barconeProtagonista della pianificazione e dell’attentato al Museo del Bardo aCondividi su:Condividi su TumblrE-mailStampa Read more... Read more [...]
(Foto d'archivio) Articolo pubblicato il: 19/05/2015 La guardia civile spagnola ha arrestato 23 persone per avere esaltato il terrorismo sui social network. Gli arresti, il cui numero potrebbe salire a 40, sono stati effettuati nelle regioni di Castiglia e Leon, Madrid, Paesi Baschi, Catalogna, Vaencia e Galizia. Si tratta della terza fase della cosiddetta operazione "Araña" (Ragno), dopo che ad aprile e ottobre dell'anno scorso sono state arrestate Read more [...]

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