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07 de mayo de 2015, 11:49Madrid, May 7 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban-Spanish 3D animated film "Meñique" was screened in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, prior to its screening as of tomorrow in more than 60 movies in this country, the Cuban consulate in that city reported today. The film is a free version of "Pulgarcito" (Tom Thumb) by French Edouard de Labouyale, adapted by Cuban National Hero Jose Marti for the children magazine The Golden Age that was spread in the last century, with music
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elEconomistaAmérica.com | Argentina
- 11:57 - 7/05/2015
El Grupo Financiero Galicia (GFG) reportó el jueves un incremento interanual del 15,4% en sus ganancias del primer trimestre del 2015, un resultado que se ubicó por debajo de lo esperado por el mercado.El GFG dijo que ganó 958,4 millones de pesos (108,6 millones de dólares) en el período enero-marzo pasado, frente a una utilidad de 830,7 millones de pesos en el mismo trimestre del año previo.
Los analistas consultados por Reuters
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U.S. immigration authorities turned over to their counterparts south of the border a Mexican man wanted on the suspicion of killing seven people 20 years ago, before fleeing to the United States.
Heriberto Gómez Galicia, 62, and his two brothers allegedly murdered seven members of a family they had been feuding with, including an 8-year old child, and wounding four others, including a child who was 3 years old. The massacre took place in 1992 in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca.
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FreshPlaza: Global Fresh Produce and Banana News
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WATSONVILLE, California — A Mexican man who was a fugitive for more than 20 years has been deported to Mexico to face charges in the 1991 killings of seven members of a family, including an 8-year-old boy.
The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports (http://bit.ly/1EYXqQ8 ) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents turned over 62-year-old Heriberto Gomez Galicia to Mexican authorities Wednesday.
Authorities say Gomez Galicia is wanted in his home state of Oaxaca. A warrant
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What does Galicia Energy Corporation Ltd do?
Galicia Energy Corp Ltd [ASX:GAL] is an Eastern European centered oil and gas exploration and development company focused on advancing highly prospective assets within the oil and gas provinces of the Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
This places the company in a troubled sector, in a troubled part of the world.
Anyway, what is the chart telling us?
What does the chart look like?
I find it helpful to bring up a chart. Here’s the daily chart
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A man who was a fugitive for more than 20 years and was discovered living in Santa Cruz County last year was deported to Mexico on Wednesday on charges of massacring family members — including an 8-year-old — of a ranch patriarch in Mexico with whom he and his brothers had feuded, officials said.U.S. Marshals arrested Heriberto Gomez Galicia, 62, in November in Watsonville. He admitted to agents at the time of his arrest to using four aliases,
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TRENTO. «Da agosto a dicembre del 1914, la Galizia inghiotte due milioni di uomini, fra morti, feriti e prigionieri, nel solo settore austriaco». Galizia 1914. Su questa pagina della storia si è riflettuto ieri a Rovereto in un incontro organizzato dal Mart, dal Museo della Guerra di Rovereto e dall'Accademia degli Agiati, presso la Fondazione Caritro. Era presente Paolo Rumiz che, con Mario Allegri, dell'Università di Verona,
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A man who was a fugitive for more than 20 years and was discovered living in Santa Cruz County last year was deported to Mexico on Wednesday on charges of massacring family members -- including an 8-year-old -- of a ranch patriarch in Mexico with whom he and his brothers had feuded, officials said.
U.S. Marshals arrested Heriberto Gomez Galicia, 62, in November in Watsonville. He admitted to agents at the time of his arrest to using four aliases, including one of his dead brother, which allowed him
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