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Rabbi Elimelech von Lyschansk, dem heutigen polnischen Leżajsk, dem Begründer des Chassidismus in Galizien, war das Glück einer großen Schülerschar beschieden. Vor seinem Sterben legte er, so erzählt Martin Buber in seinen Chassidischen Geschichten, seine Hände auf die Häupter seiner vier liebsten Schüler und teilte seine eigenen Begabungen und Geisteskräfte unter sie aus.
Jaakob Jizchak gab er die schauende Kraft seiner Augen, Abraham Jehoschua die richtende Kraft seines Mundes, Israel
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Lord Byron is undoubtedly one of Dallas’ best hip-hop talents. When he released his second project, Dark Arts Vol. 2, in the fall of 2013, it would’ve been tough to find a music critic in the city who didn’t recognize it as one of the best local rap releases in recent memory. On that 16-track
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
WallStreet Scope – May 15th, 2015:Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (GGAL) from Argentina finished higher on Thursday with a 7-day performance of 6.88% ending the day at $22.23, gaining 0.82%. Investors traded at a volume of 201,831 shares and relative volume of 0.37. Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (GGAL) reported a quarterly performance of 23.16% and is trading off its 52 week low by 115.20% and showing a dividend yield of 0.18% and an overall debt to equity ratio of 1.15. Grupo Financiero Galicia
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Certified Galician mussel. (Photo: Mejillondegalicia.org)
Certification of Mexillon de Galicia doubled in 2014
Friday, May 15, 2015, 03:40 (GMT + 9)
Certification of Mexillon de Galicia with Protected Designation of Origin doubled in 2014, as it
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Wall Street analysts expect Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) to report earnings per share of $0.78 for the current fiscal quarter. This number is based on the average estimate of the sell-side research firms that cover the stock. Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ:GGAL) most recently reported earnings per share of $0.84 on 2015–0-3-03 for the quarter ended 2014-12-31. This number was 0.18 away from what analysts had expected, a difference of 27.27%.
As a whole, brokerage analysts
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Filed Under PL | Прокоментуй!
Drogi Użytkowniku, cieszymy się, że jesteś z nami.
Zauważyliśmy, że używasz wtyczki, która blokuje wyświetlanie reklam, a nasz serwis zarabia właśnie na emisji reklam, więc kiedy używasz adblocka, pozbawiasz nas przychodu. Musimy zarabiać, aby móc dostarczać Ci treści za darmo. Będziemy zatem bardzo wdzięczni, jeśli nie będziesz już blokował reklam w naszym serwisie.
Z góry dziękujemy!
Zespół Inwestycje.pl
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2014 Stats
Passing Yards: 4,045 (11th)
Completion Percentage: 66.4 percent (5th)
Passing Touchdowns: 27 (t-12th)
Interceptions: 12 (t-13th)
Quarterback Rating: 92.8 (14th)
Take a look at these numbers, then put them into context.
Ryan Tannehill joined the 4,000 club in 2014 and was only 64 yards shy of breaking into the top 10 in passing yards.
Had he gained those extra 64 yards (only an extra eight yards per game), he would've passed Tom Brady.
This despite the fact that
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
L’appuntamento elettorale del 24 maggio si avvicina. Gli elettori in Spagna saranno chiamati a votare il rinnovo di 16 governi regionali (non si voterà in Galizia, Paesi Baschi, Catalogna), che seguono le elezioni già svolte in Andalusia. E il movimento Podemos, protagonista annunciato, è già attraversato da tensioni nella campagna elettorale con uno dei fondatori, Juan Carlos Monedero, che ha annunciato le dimissioni dagli organi direttivi.
Chi è il leader di Podemos
Il partito ha catalizzato
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