Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Scritto da Cristina Esposito
Calcio, Primo Piano, Serie D, Sorrento
7 dicembre 2014
Non basta il pari di Caraccio (foto Penna)
PUGLIANELLO – Da un lato, il Torrecuso squadra rabbiosa,fredda, determinata ed insidiata dall’ Akragas vincente nell’anticipo contro l’Orlandina. Dall’altro lato, un Sorrento piegato dal peso di una settimana turbolenta, si affida alla freschezza e alla grinta degli Under. Queste, le formazioni che si sfidano
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Despite the calendar saying it's December 7, the playoffs have unofficially started in the NFL, as the Miami Dolphins (7-5, 6-3 vs. AFC) host the Baltimore Ravens (7-5, 3-5 vs. AFC) on Sunday afternoon (1 p.m. ET, CBS).
The Dolphins are coming off of an emotional 16-13 victory over the New York Jets on Monday night in a game in which they didn't take the lead until there were two minutes left and didn't look like a good team for most of the evening.
The Ravens' last game was a heartbreaking
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
TORRECUSO (4-3-3): Minichiello; Di Maio (73’ M. Zerillo), Pagano, Monti, Fabozzi; Ricci, Wade, Aracri; D. Zerillo, Perna (75’ Furno), Galizia. A DISPOSIZIONE: Errico, Pecora, Colarusso, D’Ascia, Varriale, Ferrara, Petrone. All. Dellisanti.
SORRENTO (4-4-2): Lombardo; Ferraro, Caldore, Gabbiano, Schiavone (52’ Viscovo); Polichetti (68’ Simeri), D’Ambrosio, Visone (46’ Veniero), Esposito; Caraccio, Majella. A DISPOSIZIONE: Olivieri,
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Filed Under CZ | Прокоментуй!
Ostrava – Nadměrné množství částic polétavého prachu zůstává ve vzduchu ve většině Moravy a českého Slezska. V celém Olomouckém, Zlínském a především Moravskoslezském kraji upozorňují meteorologové na smog. V okresech Opava a Nový Jičín navíc vyhlásili i regulaci, která omezuje průmyslovou výrobu. Lidé by také měli omezit pobyt venku i ježdění autem.
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
A Sergi Darder screamer and a fine performance from goalkeeper Carlos Kameni gave Malaga a 1-0 win away to Deportivo at the Riazor.
Photo courtesy of Diario Sur
The three points send Malaga level on points with Valencia at least for 24 hours while Depor stay in the bottom three albeit rather unluckily as they deserved something from this game.It was a bright start to this encounter with both sides setting their stall out to attack in the opening periods. A succession of corners for Malaga caused
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Filed Under PL | Прокоментуй!
Żydowskie Muzeum Galicja
Kraków, ul. Dajwór/18
17:00 Dziś,10 grudnia
Wstęp wolny
Zapraszamy na panel dyskusyjny towarzyszący promocji najnowszej, jubileuszowej publikacji Żydowskiego Muzeum Galicja pt. "Czas zmian: Odrodzenie życia żydowskiego
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
The European Commission on Friday approved funding of €35 million for a project to upgrade the railway line between Oporto and Vigo in Galicia, northwestern Spain, including a new link to the Portuguese town of Trofa and a new station there.
The project, which in total is to cost €69 million, forms part of the Trans-European Transport Network, and is to be part-financed by money from the European Union's Cohesion Fund.
"The new linke will significantly
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Filed Under DE | Прокоментуй!
Neue Freie Presse am 6.12.1914Ganz still ist es heuer an der französischen Riviera. Die Stätten, an denen sonst internationale Lebenslust, leicht beschwingter Übermut und die Launen sorglosen Reichtums in der sonnigen Helligkeit der südlichen Landschaft sich austobten, liegen jetzt leer und verlassen da. Die Rollläden der prächtigen Villen in Nizza und Menton sind dicht verschlossen, die Cafés und Restaurants harren vergebens der Schar der Besucher, nur die palastartigen Hotels sind stark
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Filed Under DE | Прокоментуй!
Erfolgreich sein, als Sportler, Schauspieler oder Musiker, und damit viel Geld zu verdienen, davon träumen viele. Bei manchen klappt das auch, manche sind aber auch nach einigen Jahren bereits wieder pleite.
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