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Carlos NuñezSept. 19, 8 p.m. | Centennial Theatre (North Vancouver)Tickets and info: centennialtheatre.comSmiling Spaniard Carlos Nuñez is a hugely charismatic, high-energy musician.He’s been dubbed “the Hendrix of the bagpipes� for his prowess on the gaita (an ancient Spanish ancestor of Scottish pipes). To others, he’s “the seventh Chieftain� for records and tours with the Irish folk band that started when he was 18.On top of that, the man is a walking
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Mussel farming raft. (Photo: T.Ezcurra)
Galician polygons closed due to red tide
Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 23:40 (GMT + 9)
Scientists of Control Institute of Technology of the Marine Environment of Galicia (INTECMAR) found that the lipophilic
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In light of the growing importance of pilgrimages and spiritual routes to tourism development around the world, UNWTO, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain and the Regional Government of Galicia are organizing the First International Congress on Tourism and Pilgrimages.
With this backdrop, the First International Congress on Tourism and Pilgrimages to take place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on 17-20 September 2014, aims to highlight the positive contributions of pilgrimages
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In the round 13 contest Rins and Marquez took the victory and runner-up spot, respectively, for the second consecutive Grand Prix, reducing the gap to Moto3™ standings leader, Jack Miller, in the process. After another strong display at Misano, Marquez trails Miller by nine points and Rins is 20 off the top with five races remaining and 125 points at stake.
The race started with Miller pushing hard at the front and both Honda equipped Estrella Galicia 0,0 riders attentive to his attempts at
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Parte un nuovo anno scolastico in Spagna e i reali Felipe e Letizia hanno fatto visita a una scuola, vicino a Ourense in Galizia, nel nord ovest della Spagna. Un nuovo anno di scuola inizia e Filippo VI cerca di mantenere la tradizione tramandata da suo padre di visitare le scuole nel mese di settembre.
Gli alunni della scuola erano visibilmente emozionati nel conoscere la coppia reale spagnola e una bambina ha dato a Letizia una lettera in cui esprimeva la sua felicità per quell’incontro
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Una giornata da Re. È quella che hanno vissuto gli studenti della scuola Ben-Cho-Shey in Galizia. La visita di Letizia e Felipe di Spagna, infatti, ha dato il via ufficialmente all’anno scolastico. E per i piccoli è stata una vera e propria giornata di festa (VIDEO).
Felipe e Letizia di Spagna in mezzo ai più piccoli: è una giornata di festa – FOTOGALLERY
CHE GIOIA PER I PIU’ PICCOLI – Felipe e Letizia di Spagna, incoronati Re e Regina il 19 giugno scorso, si mantengono sempre
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Andalusian bar terrace(Photo:
Getty Images
)When we talk about Spanish wines, it’s easy to think only of its reds — the flagship tempranillos of the Rioja region, the august wines of Ribera del Duero, the trendy new offerings from Priorato.But we’re missing something good until we add Spanish whites to our mental wine lists. Spain makes fabulous whites, from the steely, floral albarino wines of the northeastern Galicia region to the crisp, high-plains verdejos of heartlands Rueda.American
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What’s more interesting is that the Galician master, who’s recorded with everyone from viola da gamba virtuoso Jordi Savall to American roots maven Ry Cooder, will deliver three very different programs during his time in these parts.“In Victoria, for example, we’ll have three concerts with the Victoria Symphony Orchestra,” the peripatetic piper explains, on the line from a tour stop in Uruguay. “We’ll make the orchestra play Celtic music with us, and then we’ll have Scottish pipers
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Rosa Quintana, head of the Secretariat of Rural and Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia. (Photo: Magrama/FIS)
Joint effort is 'crucial to maritime-fishery field future'
Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 22:20 (GMT + 9)
The head of the Secretariat of Rural
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Marco Quotshalla dell’Orlandina (qui, quando giocava nello Schalke 04)
Basso bottino di reti nella seconda giornata del Girone I di Serie D. 18 sono le marcature timbrate nelle otto partite in programma: una media di 2,25 goal a partita. Due sono le doppiette realizzate, dal tedesco Marco Quotshalla dell’Orlandina e Salvatore Galizia del Torrecuso. In testa alla classifica marcatori sale Andrea Coluccio del Roccella con tre marcature, davanti a Jonis Khoris del Comprensorio Montalto, Marco
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