El paraguas ser el gran protagonista durante este fin de semana. Preparen chubasquero y botas, porque el otoo, ya casi ha llegado. A lo largo de la jornada del viernes un centro de bajas presiones permanecer en el Atlntico frente a la costa portuguesa, por lo que Galicia vivir toda la jornada en un ambiente lluvioso y hmedo. La inestabilidad y los vientos del sur dejarn un cielo parcialmente nublado con chubascos, que se harn ms frecuentes en el oeste. Las temperaturas mnimas -sin cambios Read more [...]
* Resolution by the Spanish Arbitration Tribunal in favour of Aviva * Novacaixagalicia Banco to buy back stake in joint venture for €287 million * Consideration represents a multiple of 25 times CxG Aviva’s 2013 operating earnings Aviva plc (“Aviva”) announces the sale of its holding in its joint venture CxG Aviva to Novacaixagalicia Banco (“NCG Banco”)1, for €287 million (£226 million) in cash. The transaction results from a decision by the Arbitration Tribunal in Read more [...]
Aviva Plc (AV/) agreed to sell its stake in a joint venture to NCG Banco for 287 million euros ($370 million) after a court ruled the Spanish lender had breached a agreement with the British insurer. The sale of its holding in CxG Aviva followed a decision by the Arbitration Tribunal in Madrid that NCG had broken an agreement to sell Aviva’s products after the merger of Caixa Galicia and Caixa Nova in 2010, according to a statement today. The deal increases Aviva’s surplus capital by about Read more [...]
Ordinarily, a long-distance interview on a phone connection so bad the interviewee can’t be understood is no way to get inside the thoughts and spirit of an extraordinary artist such as Carlos Núñez. But to know what the Grammy-winning Núñez is about, just listen to his often thrilling, joyful music. A master of the gaita (a medieval bagpipe), recorder and a variety of other vintage pipes and whistles, Núñez is a one-man version of Ireland’s famed group The Chieftains. Núñez’s Read more [...]
Norge, med stordabuane Einar Grnnevik og Anders Langeland p laget, lg nemleg under 2-1 etter lagkonkurransane i EM i Pitch Putt, i Andorra, torsdag kveld. Likevel augna dei hpet om reisa kjerringa i singelmatchane, der fleire poeng var i spel. Les ogs: Bloggar fr EM Einar Grnnevik. Foto: PER OVE LANGELAND Read more [...]
Calvin Woodsong 0 Likes 0 Comments Print Most stock ownership is held by institutions. These entities may be pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds or investment banks. Because the largest holders of most stocks are institutions knowing what they are doing with their stock could be useful information for traders. When it comes to common stocks, institutional ownership is often expressed as a percentage of a firm’s outstanding shares. Read more [...]
British life and health insurer Aviva Plc. (AV.L,AV: Quote) said Friday that it agreed to sell its stake in Spanish joint venture CxG Aviva to Novacaixagalicia Banco for 287 million euros or 226 million pounds in cash.The transaction results from a decision by the Arbitration Tribunal in Madrid issued today, which concludes legal proceedings between Aviva and NCG Banco.The Tribunal has determined a breach by NCG Banco of its shareholder agreement with Aviva following the merger of Caixa Galicia Read more [...]
LONDON (Alliance News) - Aviva PLC Friday said it is selling its stake in Spanish joint venture CxG Aviva to Novacaixagalicia Banco for EUR287.0 million in cash, following a decision by the Arbitration Tribunal in Madrid which concludes legal proceedings between Aviva and NCG Banco.In a statement, Aviva said the Tribunal determined a breach by NCG Banco of its shareholder agreement with Aviva following the merger of Caixa Galicia and Caixa Nova into Novacaixagalicia in December 2010, and the bank's Read more [...]
Celta Vigo i Deportivo La Coruna nieźle rozpoczęły sezon. W najbliższy weekend ekipy z hiszpańskiej Galicji sprawdzą formę potentatów z Madrytu. Będzie gorąco! Najświeższe doniesienia z Primera Division na PilkaNożna.pl - KLIKNIJ!Elche - EibarTe drużyny będą prawdopodobnie do końca sezonu rywalizować o utrzymanie się w lidze. Stawką obu bojów między nimi jest też zatem lepszy bilans dwumeczu, co może okazać się istotne.Deportivo - Real Madryt Królewscy Read more [...]
StockMarketWire.com - Aviva is to sell its holding in its joint venture CxG Aviva to Novacaixagalicia Banco for €287m in cash. The transaction results from a decision by an arbitration tribunal in Madrid which concludes legal proceedings between Aviva and NCG Banco. The tribunal has determined a breach by NCG Banco of its shareholder agreement with Aviva following the merger of Caixa Galicia and Caixa Nova into Novacaixagalicia in December 2010, and the bank's subsequent restructuring in Read more [...]

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