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NineTimes takes a very simplistic view of grand prix motorcycle racing he has now added Danny Kent to his list of riders better than Miller when in fact he is probably to ignorant to realise that Kent is riding the same bike as Miller for the same team only the frame is painted white.

He’s also ingnorant to the fact that Fenati has the same spec engine as Miller and every other KTM/Husky rider ridrr on the grid as dictated in the moto3 regulations.

Instead of accepting the fact that Fenati is inconsistent at times he falls into a state of victimhood blaming factors external to Fenati whem the problem was internal to Fenatis team Guereschi leaving the team was a big shake up. However he blames KTM for not providing Fenati with adequate kit which is BS.

For me as well Binder has been the most underrated rider this season.

somebody should give Fenati a moto2 ride


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