Most stock ownership is held by institutions. These entities may be pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds or investment banks. Because the largest holders of most stocks are institutions knowing what they are doing with their stock could be useful information for traders.

When it comes to common stocks, institutional ownership is often expressed as a percentage of a firm’s outstanding shares. This figure represents the percentage of a company’s shares that are held by institutions. In addition, any owner who establishes a position exceeding 5% of the outstanding shares of any stock must disclose the details within ten days by filing a Form 13-D with the SEC.

Institutions wield tremendous influence in other matters as well. Since these major organizations are often a company’s largest shareholders, they are not shy about offering suggestions or opinions from time to time — often publicly. For example, institutional owners may sometimes pressure management into restructuring the company, divesting certain business segments, selling off assets, or even putting the firm itself up for sale. Occasionally, they may even express their disapproval by launching a proxy battle.

Emerald Oil Inc (NYSEMKT:EOX) has the market capitalization of $ 486.44M and its EPS growth ratio for the past five years was 28.80%. The return on assets ratio of the Company was -4.10% while its return on investment ratio was -1.00%. Price to sales ratio was 6.35while 79% of stock was owned by Institutional investors. The Company earned $- 20.30M in prior twelve months.

Monster Beverage Corp (NASDAQ:MNST) offered 28.80 % EPS for prior five years. The company has 37.50 % returns on equity value while its ROI ratio was 35.00 %. The company has $15.22B market capitalizations and the institutional ownership was 81%. Its price to book ratio was 12.04 .Volatility of the stock was 1.48% for the week while for the month booked as 1.78%.

Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (ADR) (NASDAQ:GGAL) has market capitalization of $2.30B. The Company has 1.02B shares outstanding while EPS in next five years is expected to reach 45.30 % while EPS growth in past 5 year was 28.70%.The Company’s price to sale ratio was 1.16 while price to book ratio was 1.90.

Gentex Corporation (NASDAQ:GNTX) has market capitalization of $ 4.30B while its P/E ratio was 15.75. The company has the institutional ownership of 82% while the Beta factor, which is used riskiness of the security, was 1.07. The company’s EPS growth in prior 5 years was 28.60%. In the liquidity ratio analysis; current ratio was 5.70 while debt to equity ratio was 0.18.

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