Mussel rafts. (Photo Credit: BY-NC-SA 2.5 ES)
Mussel producers received 72pc of Community aid for aquaculture
Thursday, September 18, 2014, 23:00 (GMT + 9)
The aid for aquaculture under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) granted between 2009 and 2013 and managed by the Xunta de Galicia benefitted the mussel farming sector with 72.5 per cent of the total allocated.
That is, out of the total aid amounting to EUR 25.8 million granted for productive investment in aquaculture, EUR 18.7 million were destined to the holders of the mussel farming facilities.
According to the head of the General Secretariat of Marine Affairs of Galicia, Juan Maneiro, these calculations were made based on the number of applications approved during 2009-2013.
Besides, it was stated that 92.5 per cent of applications corresponded to the productive sector.
Raft fishermen received the following percentages of aid:
- In 2009: 51.21 per cent;
- In 2010: 90.75 per cent;
- In 2011: 73.03 per cent;
- In 2012: 96.32 per cent;
- In 2013: the 94.71 per cent.
With respect to the number of applications approved in 2009, 88.83 per cent of the total corresponded to the mussel sector; in 2010, it was 92.67 per cent; in 2011, it was 93.33 per cent; in 2012, it was 95.05 per cent; and in 2013, it was 95.45 per cent.
The official commented that between 2014 and 2020, the European Union (EU) plans to focus on the development of sustainable aquaculture from the environmental, social and economic viewpoint.
In addition, aquaculture should be respectful to the environment and efficient in the use of resources, apart from innovative, competitive and knowledge-based, the regional government informed.
Furthermore, Maneiro defended that all ships having home port in Galicia and registered in the Register of Fishing Vessels of the Autonomous Community and in the census of operational fishing fleet had the opportunity to present themselves to the call for aid for permanent cessation corresponding to this year.
Meanwhile, the deputy director general of Coast Guard, Lino Sexto, stressed that until the end of 2014 tests will be carried out with the Videoguard project. This initiative consists of a smart video surveillance system for the prevention and prosecution of illegal fishing and shellfishing activities.
During that time, the Galician Administration will assess the feasibility of implementing this system on the local coastline.
The pilot project began in late July in a coastal town on the Galician coast. It focuses on the development of a platform for smart video analysis, especially adapted to maritime boundaries and in particular for its application in coastal surveillance for the prevention and prosecution of illegal fishing and shellfishing activities, the authority added.
Sexto made it clear that this initiative is being developed by a consortium of companies and with the participation of technology centres.
The total investment amounts to EUR 1.8 million, financed with funds from the Innterconecta program through the Secretariat of Economy and Industry, and the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), with a grant of EUR 830,585.
Related articles:
– Agreement to approve the EMFF regarded as ‘positive’
– Political agreement on the EMFF reached
By Analia Murias
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