Birmingham, West Midlands — (TechSonian) — 08/26/2014 —GenthermInc(NASDAQ:THRM)designs, develops, and manufactures thermal management technologies and cable systems worldwide. It operates through three segments: Climate Controlled Seats (CCS), Advanced Technology, and W.E.T. GenthermInc(NASDAQ:THRM)advanced3.32% and closed at $ 46.64 in the last trading session with the total traded volume of 542,308.00 shares. That’s more than the average volume of 614,982.00. It has outstanding shares of Read more [...]
Xose Manuel Budiño   This year’s WOMEX opening concert titled Compostela – The Roots, The Way’ will take place on Wednesday, October 22nd at 19:30 (7:30 pm) in the Auditorio de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela. As the final stop on the ancient Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James) pilgrimage route, Galicia has transformed into a unique cultural melting pot with traditions and customs flowing through it from all across Europe, courtesy of the thousands of pilgrims who’ve passed through Read more [...]
Farmed mussels. (Photo: T.Ezcurra) Galician Mussel consider reporting France for 'ill-founded' alert SPAIN Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 01:00 (GMT + 9) Mussel producers in Galicia are evaluating the possibility of filing a complaint against France because Read more [...]
96 per cent of mussel rafts have been closed in Galicia due to the red tide. (Photo: Stock File/FIS) Mussel market could run out of supplies, industry warns SPAIN Monday, August 25, 2014, 02:20 (GMT + 9) Mussel sector representatives estimate that in a Read more [...]
MADRID, 25 AGO - Alcune centinaia di manifestanti, convocati dal partito galiziano Bng a Santiago di Compostela, per protestare contro le politiche della Ue, in concomitanza della visita della cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel, sono stati oggi caricati dalla polizia. Al grido di 'Merkel, Rajoy, fuori dalla Galizia', i manifestanti hanno tentato di entrare in corteo alle 11 nella centrale Plaza del Obradoiro, durante la visita Read more [...]
(ANSA) - MADRID, 25 AGO - Alcune centinaia di manifestanti, convocati dal partito galiziano Bng a Santiago di Compostela, per protestare contro le politiche della Ue, in concomitanza della visita della cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel, sono stati oggi caricati dalla polizia. Al grido di 'Merkel, Rajoy, fuori dalla Galizia', i manifestanti hanno tentato di entrare in corteo alle 11 nella centrale Plaza del Obradoiro, durante la visita della Merkel alla Read more [...]
Protests against the German chancellor’s visit to Santiago de Compostela reportedly forced her and the Spanish prime minister to postpone a news conference. “Merkel and Rajoy out of Galicia” they chanted. Many in Spain deeply resent government austerity measures they believe were imposed by a German-dominated EU. Angela Merkel’s two-day visit coincides with the first signs of economic recovery in Spain, despite high unemployment and ongoing hardship. Mariano Rajoy said reforms were Read more [...]
MANILA -- The impending demolition of the iconic Mandarin Oriental, Manila has raised the hackles of local heritage conservationists who described this as the ultimate disrespect to the legacy of National Artist for Architecture Leandro Locsin, who designed the 38-year-old landmark Makati hotel. The Heritage Conservation Society (HCS) – a non-stock, non-profit organization advocating the protection and preservation of Philippine built heritage – has also urged Ayala Land Inc. (ALI) Read more [...]
La lettre ouverte envoyée aux Conférences épiscopales du monde entier ainsi qu’aux autorités politiques par Mgr Sviatoslav Shevchuk, archevêque majeur de Kiev et de Galicie est un véritable appel au secours. Des chrétiens opprimés L’Ukraine est victime d’une agression militaire et le silence et l’inaction de la communauté internationale risquent de provoquer d’autres tragédies, y explique-t-il. Pour lui, l’Ukraine a besoin du soutien concret de toute la Read more [...]
La nuova stagione dell’Arzanese comincia con una sconfitta che estromette i biancocelesti dalla Coppa Italia di Serie D. A passare al turno successivo sono i sanniti del Torrecuso, squadra più avanti nella preparazione e che giocherà un ruolo importante nel girone “I” del campionato di quarta serie. Per i partenopei, reduci dalla cocente retrocessione dalla Seconda Divisione e dal mancato ripescaggio nella Lega Pro unica, una gara che tutto sommato è servita come test per una rosa che ha Read more [...]

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