Streitfall Eine Kanadierin schreibt einen Schoa-Roman. Der sei bei ihr abgekupfert, sagt eine israelische Journalistin und klagt auf Millionen. Ein Lehrstück über Copyright, Historie und Moral 10.07.2014 – von Oliver Noffke Read more [...]
Zacks upgraded shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) from a neutral rating to an outperform rating in a report issued on Tuesday. They currently have $16.90 target price on the stock. Zacks has also modified their ratings on a number of other financials stocks in the few days. The firm upgraded shares of TransGlobe Energy Co. from an underperform rating to a neutral rating. The firm now has a $7.60 price target on that stock. Also, Zacks upgraded shares of Petroleo Read more [...]
BELVI’ - Si chiama Francesca Soru la ragazza di Gavoi che dal 30 giugno partecipa insieme ad una volontaria portoghese al progetto “Dinamizacion sociocultural en el livel local”. Il progetto è promosso dal Comune di Boqueixon (situato nella comunità autonoma della Galizia a poca distanza da Santiago de Compostela) in collaborazione con il Comune di Belvì e con l’“Associazione Culturale Malik” e consiste nella organizzazione di attività ludiche (principalmente extrascolastiche) per Read more [...]
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Adrienne Robles, not pictured, a 2007 graduate of Redlands High School, is teaching English in the town of A Fonsagrada in the mountains of Galicia, Spain. Robles said about 2,000 people live there and the main language is Galician. In the photo is the junior class of the town’s secondary school, IESP Fontem Albe. There are about 100 students at the school, which has seventh through 12th grades. It is a multilingual school Read more [...]
English Yes <!----> Wed, Jul 09 2014 00:00:00 E B02_TOP1002 By KEN HOOVER, INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Email Print Reprints Comment The new-high list was thin Tuesday because Read more [...]
Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) was upgraded by Zacks from a “neutral” rating to an “outperform” rating in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday. The firm currently has a $16.90 price objective on the stock. Zacks‘s target price would indicate a potential upside of 9.60% from the company’s current price. Shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) traded up 2.98% on Tuesday, hitting $15.88. The stock had a trading volume of 322,932 shares. Grupo Financiero Read more [...]
GEAPRESS – Si è svolta a Sambucedo, a poche decine di chilometri da Santiago de Composteila, in Galizia, la tradizionale “tosatura” con i cavalli selvaggi. Si tratta di animali che vengono prelevati in montagna allo stato selvaggio  e poi radunati e tradotti in un’arena dove subiscono l’assalto dei “alaitadores”. Nel corso della “festa” verranno tagliate criniere e code. Le immagini della “Rapa das bestas” 2014, sono state diffuse dall’agenzia Ruply. Il contenuto Read more [...]
Albarino is a white grape that finds its greatest, most complete expression in Rias Baixas, in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain. The cool, misty climate and granitic soils produce wines that are fleshy and full-flavored while retaining a refreshing raciness.But the grape has also found a comfortable home on the Central Coast, particularly in Edna Valley, outside San Luis Obispo. The area isn't as wet as Galicia, but the climate is suitably cool, with the moderating influence of the Pacific Read more [...]
The Rapa das Bestas takes place in the town of Sabucedo in Pontevedra every year on the first weekend of July — one of a number of such events in the Spain's Galicia region. This 400-year-old festival sees hundreds of wild horses rounded up from the mountains where they live semi-wild for most of the year. The animals are then herded into a small arena and bedlam ensues as they not only have their manes trimmed but also get branded. See also: Top ten crazy Spanish festivals Oral tradition Read more [...]

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