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Is CAFTA Working?The Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA-DR, was passed in 2005 to help stimulate trade between the U.S. and Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic, essentially … [Read More...]
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SaxonPrint-RTG’s Efren Vazquez
2014 Le Mans Moto3 Qualifying Results
Efren Vazquez (SAXOPRINT RTG) outpaced the rest of the field at Le Mans with a new pole record of 1:42.491 for the Moto3 class.
Joining the Spaniard on the front row at Le Mans Moto3 will be current points leader Jack Miller (Red Bull KTM Ajo) and Alex Rins (Estrella Galicia 0,0), respectively.
Vazquez has taken a step up this season in terms of his competitiveness and he achieved his first Grand Prix pole by a 0.025s
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El secretario xeral del PSdeG, Jos Ramn Gmez Besteiro, ha exigido al presidente de la Xunta y del PPdeG, Alberto Nez Feijo, que "tiene que condenar pblicamente" la "agresin verbal a las mujeres" del cabeza de lista de los populares a las elecciones europeas, Miguel Arias Caete. "Seguimos esperando por la rectificacin pblica del partido de Nez Feijo y Mariano Rajoy", ha subrayado Gmez Besteiro en un mitin en Lugo este sbado con Alfonso Guerra, segn informa el PSdeG en un comunicado.
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Vazquez has taken a step up this season in terms of his competitiveness and he achieved his first Grand Prix pole by a 0.025s margin from standings leader Miller, whilst Rins missed out on top spot by 0.227s as he was hindered on a late fast lap.
Local hero Alexis Masbou (Ongetta-Rivacold) heads the second row and might have done better had he not crashed immediately after setting his best time. He was not seriously hurt in the incident and is joined on row two by Niklas Ajo (Avant Tecno Husqvarna
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A last minute lap of 1’42.847 had Vazquez just 0.198s ahead of fellow Spaniard Viñales. Miller was third and 0.253s down on Vazquez.
Teammates Alex Rins (Estrella Galicia 0,0) and Alex Marquez (Estrella Galicia 0,0) rounded out the top five as good weather continued to grace the French track. They were both within 0.368s of the leader.
The top ten was completed by Niklas Ajo (Avant Tecno Husqvarna Ajo), Miguel Oliveira (Mahindra Racing), Alexis Masbou (Ongetta-Rivacold), Danny Kent (Red
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El portavoz del grupo municipal del BNG Xosé Manuel Carril presentó esta mañana al colectivo Galicia Mellor sen Touradas puntos de su programa relativos a la protección animal, que incluyen medidas para el control y prohibición del uso de fondos públicos en ferias taurinas. Carril destacó la necesidad de impulsar una normativa necesaria para impedir la realización de las ferias taurinas en Galicia y el portavoz del colectivo Rubén Pérez criticó la concesión de 650 millones de euros de
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The digital edition of Rumbos [es] magazine analyzes the Galician influence in Argentina, and explains the country had two big migratory flows: between 1857 and 1930, a millon Galician arrived; and between 1946 and 1960, came another 110,000. From that total amount, 600,000 made Argentina their final home. Thus, half of the Spanish migrants that arrived to the country were born in Galicia. They even note:
It's a usual saying that Galicia has five provinces: La Coruña, Lugo, Orense, Pontevedra
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Filed Under PL | Прокоментуй!
Quartet Klezmer Trio, to zespół wykonujący wokalno-instrumentalną muzykę klezmerską inspirowaną muzyką tradycyjną Żydów Aszkenazyjskich . Zespół czerpie z tradycyjnych melodii galicyjskiej diaspory, łącząc je ze współczesnymi tradycjami wykonawczymi i nowoczesnymi brzmieniami. QKT od lat funkcjonuje na krakowskim Kazimierzu. Współpracuje z Klezmer Hojs, wydawnictwem Austeria, Leopoldem Kozłowskim, Muzeum Galicja, FKŻ. Zespół tworzą klasycznie wykształceni(
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CUIT 30-70496280-7
The shareholders of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (the "Company") are hereby notified that, on May 8th, 2014, the board of directors of the Company, in accordance with that which was decided at the Company's shareholders' meeting held on April 29th, 2014, has agreed to pay cash dividends on May 23rd, 2014 (or such other date as required by the applicable law of the jurisdictions in which the shares are listed)
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La edición digital de la revista Rumbos analiza la influencia gallega en Argentina, y explica que el país tuvo dos fuertes flujos migratorios: entre 1857 y 1930, llegaron un millón de gallegos; y entre 1946 y 1960, llegaron 110,000 más. De ese total, 600,000 se radicaron definitivamente en Argentina. Así, la mitad de los españoles que llegaron al país había nacido en Galicia. Incluso anota que:
Se dice que Galicia tiene cinco provincias: La Coruña, Lugo, Orense, Pontevedra y … Argentina.
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