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Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (
) will begin trading ex-dividend on May 22, 2014. A cash dividend
payment of $0.036845 per share. Shareholders who purchased GGAL
stock prior to the ex-dividend date are eligible for the cash
dividend payment. This represents an 0.76% increase over the prior
The previous trading day's last sale of GGAL was $12.6,
representing a -12.2% decrease from the 52 week high of $14.35 and
a 154.03% increase over the 52 week low
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Castellanza (21 mag 2014) Sabato 17 maggio a Marnate si sono esibiti gli attori della compagnia teatrale comica RIDI PER CASO.
Per Marnate è stata una sorpresa vedere il loro teatro Tiglio riempito da 380 persone, non si verificava da anni…
Riccardo Galizia, Davide Gobbo e Miriam Errico hanno interpretato una commedia comica scritta da Riccardo Galizia, regia di Galizia e Gobbo.
La compagnia fondata
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Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) released its earnings data on Tuesday. The company reported $0.79 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.58 by $0.21, AnalystRatings.NET reports.
Several analysts have recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Zacks downgraded shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia from an “outperform” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note on Tuesday. They now have a $14.90 price target on the stock.
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Dopo il successo di sabato 17 maggio a Marnate, gli attori della compagnia teatrale comica "Ridi per caso" replicheranno martedì 27 maggio al cinema Ratti di Legnano. Lo spettacolo si terrà alle ore 21, a favore dell’Associazione ALOMAR, che aiuta i malati di artrite reumatoide.
Per Marnate è stata una sorpresa vedere il loro teatro Tiglio riempito da 380 persone, non si verificava da anni.
La compagnia
Riccardo Galizia, Davide Gobbo e Miriam Errico hanno interpretato una
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Ogni tanto ci si domanda come mai in questo Paese il cambiamento risulti solamente un’idea utopica, un qualcosa da urlare nei talk show o tutt’al più in campagna elettorale. Certo, se leggessimo i giornali del biennio 92-93 del secolo scorso, cercando di non far posare i nostri occhi sulla data di pubblicazione correremo il rischio di pensare che si tratti di quotidiani appena comprati in una qualsiasi edicola. Ora come allora a Milano si parla di tangentopoli,
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Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) was downgraded by Zacks from an “outperform” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note issued on Tuesday. They currently have a $14.90 price target on the stock. Zacks‘s price objective points to a potential upside of 18.82% from the stock’s previous close.
Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) traded up 0.48% during mid-day trading on Tuesday, hitting $12.60. 153,351 shares of the company’s stock traded hands. Grupo
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) announced its earnings results on Tuesday. The company reported $0.79 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.58 by $0.21, ARN reports.
Shares of Grupo Financiero Galicia (NASDAQ:GGAL) opened at 12.54 on Tuesday. Grupo Financiero Galicia has a one year low of $4.96 and a one year high of $14.35. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $13.25 and its 200-day moving average is $10.91. The company
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Somehow, in its own way, amid its beautiful upstate New York location centered amongst the rolling hills and valleys adjacent the shores of Lake Ontario, Sterling has attracted notables and historic figureheads from throughout this nation and world.At first there were those such as the famed Seneca Indian Red Jacket; Gen. Philip Schuyler, commander of the continental Northern Army in 1776-1777, whose pro-American sentiment was also nurtured in the future land
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AVERSA NORMANNA – Russo, Balzano, Esposito, Porcaro, Di Girolamo, Prevete, Galizia, De Rosa, Orlando (45’ st Vicentin), Di Vicino (28’ st Comini), Majella (36’ st Tulimieri). A disp.: D’Agostino, Nocerino, Villanova, Jogan. All:. Provenza
TUTTOCUOIO – Bacci, Arvia, Cacelli, Balde, Colombini F. (39’ st Pane), Falivena, Giannattasio, Zane (16’ st Rosati), Ferrari (24’ st Cherillo),
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MANILA - Philippine legislators foresee a spur in development in the future Bangsamoro region as they completed a five-day study visit program on Spain's autonomy models.
"I am now envisioning a spur in Bangsamoro development," Senator Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III said.
Pimentel, along with Senators Pia Cayetano and Representatives Deputy Speaker Pangalian Balindong, Jim Salliman, Jesus Sacdalan, Bai Sandra Sema, Nancy Catamco, Rodolfo Biazon, Teodoro Baguilat, Jr. and Arnulfo Go participated in
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