CUIT 30-70496280-7
The shareholders of Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A. (the “Company”) are hereby notified that, on May 8th, 2014, the board of directors of the Company, in accordance with that which was decided at the Company’s shareholders’ meeting held on April 29th, 2014, has agreed to pay cash dividends on May 23rd, 2014 (or such other date as required by the applicable law of the jurisdictions in which the shares are listed) in the amount of Ps. 38,595,718.93, or Ps.0.029682973 per share, with a face value of Ps.1.00 being equivalent to 2.9682% of the Company´s capital stock according to the Company’s financial statements as of December 31st, 2013. Such cash dividends correspond to fiscal year 2013.
The Company will deduct from this payment of cash dividends the amount paid by the Company for the Personal Asset Tax (pursuant to the unnumbered section following section 25 of Law No.
23,966, as amended) for the fiscal year 2013. Additionally, pursuant to Section 4 of Act No. 26893, the Company shall withhold 10% for income tax from those shareholders subject to the tax.
The payment of such dividends will be made through Caja de Valores S.A., which is located at 25 de Mayo 362, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, during the hours between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (Bs. As. Time). Such payments will be made in compliance with Section 90 of the listing requirements of the Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires.
Holders of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”) will be paid through the Bank of New York Mellon, which acts as the depositary with respect to such ADRs, on the date that is determined by the applicable rules of the jurisdiction in which such ADRs are listed.
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, May 15, 2014.
A. Enrique Pedemonte
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This noodl was issued by Grupo Financiero Galicia SA and was initially posted at www.gfgsa.com. It was distributed, unedited and unaltered, by noodls on 2014-05-15 17:03:50 CET. The issuer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information contained therein.
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