Trout farmers in Spain’s region of Galicia – which accounts for 26% of Spain’s farmed trout production – have warned a new regulation on river waters could lead to the closure of several sites if it remains unchanged. In a bid to preserve the quality of its river basins, Spain has said it will implement measures from the European Water Framework Directive and set new levels for environmental flows, that is, the minimum amount of water a river carries to sustain freshwater, statuaries Read more [...]
MV Galicia fails to arrive for EasterWednesday, April 23 2014THE MV Super-Fast Galicia, the new inter-island ferry being leased from a Spanish firm, did not arrived in time for the Easter holidays, neither will it arrive in time for the Tobago Jazz Festival.“I am just waiting to hear the date when MV Galicia will set sail and as as soon as it sets sail the public will be told,” Transport Minister Stephen Cadiz told Newsday yesterday.The delay for the new inter-island ferry, he said, was due to Read more [...]
Despite dropping both games of a doubleheader Saturday in Eureka, Nev., Whittell softball coach Dave Galicia was happy with the teams performance. “Eureka is top-dog in our league right now, but I’m really happy with the way the weekend went,” Galicia said. “Both games, Eureka had to bring their A-game.” Eureka’s only loss of the season was a 4-0 decision against Wells. Eureka is unbeaten at home. In the first game, Eureka tallied five runs in the first inning, one in Read more [...]
Despite dropping both games of a doubleheader Saturday in Eureka, Nev., Whittell softball coach Dave Galicia was happy with the teams performance. “Eureka is top-dog in our league right now, but I’m really happy with the way the weekend went,” Galicia said. “Both games, Eureka had to bring their A-game.” Eureka’s only loss of the season was a 4-0 decision against Wells. Eureka is unbeaten at home. In the first game, Eureka tallied five runs in the first inning, one in Read more [...]
że król węgierski Ludwik I Wielki pomógł naszemu Kazimierzowi w zdobyciu tych terenów dla Polski (Kazimierz odbił je Tatarom wspomaganym przez miejscowych bojarów). Zastrzegł sobie jednak prawo do ich wykupu, w razie gdyby po Kazimierzu dziedziczył jego legalny potomek. Nie było takiego potomka, a w 1370 roku królem Polski został sam Ludwik. No to nieomal zaraz (trochę to trwało, potrzebna była wojna z Litwą) przyłączył te tereny do Węgier. Dopiero w 1487 przepędziła Read more [...]
It's a windy day, and the four flags of Casa Galicia are flapping like a flock of geese flying south for the winter. The stately wedding-cake white building on 31st Avenue, wedged between a burger joint and a supermarket crowned by barbed wire, looks like a foreign embassy.Photo by Nancy A. RuhlingCasa Galicia is a commanding presence on 31st Avenue.Inside the private club, where old-timers from the old country play cards and dominoes on square marble-topped Read more [...]
Tulipány už nejsou jen doménou Holanďanů. Tisíce kilometrů na východ jim vyrostl zdatný konkurent. Miliony tulipánů všech barev a tvarů v těchto dnech doslova zaplavily ulice tureckého Istanbulu. Koná se tu jeden z nejslavnějších festivalů svého druhu na světě. Největší turecké město se už devátým rokem halí do barevného kabátu."Letošní ročník je rekordní. Po celém Istanbulu jsme zasadili okolo dvaceti milionů tulipánů. Kromě nich jsou k vidění další Read more [...]
Abstrakt:  Tulipány už nejsou jen doménou Holanďanů. Tisíce kilometrů na východ jim vyrostl zdatný konkurent. Miliony tulipánů všech barev a tvarů v těchto dnech doslova zaplavily ulice tureckého Istanbulu. Koná se tu jeden z nejslavnějších festivalů svého druhu na světě. Největší turecké město se už devátým rokem halí do barevného kabátu. ...Zobrazit celý článek na webu » Související články 13.05. - Rychlejší způsob sušení Read more [...]
Serata teatrale a scopo benefico nel salone dell'asilo parrocchiale Santi Martiri di Legnano. In scena la nuova compagnia RIDI PER CASO, fondata dai castellanzesi Riccardo Galizia e Davide Gobbo, per raccogliere fondi  favore dell'Associazione Cicognasolidale di Induno Olona, da anni impegnata nel sostegno di bimbi bielorussi colpiti dalle radiazioni sprigionatesi dalla centrale atomica di Chernobyl (qui un ns. precedente servizio) In questo specifico caso, la somma raccolta è stata destinata Read more [...]
Municipio di Gragnano "Il mio appello è rivolto a tutte le forze sane della città - ed in particolar modo al PD - per un rinnovamento competo della politica gragnanese". Lo ha detto Biagio Galizia, candidato sindaco del centrosinistra a Gragnano. "Nonostante i moniti lanciati dal Vicepresidente della Commissione Antimafia nella sua visita degli scorsi giorni - prosegue Galizia - , continua a preoccupare la presenza annunciata di esponenti legati alla passata Read more [...]

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