Fishing vessels docked at the port in Vigo, Galicia. (Photo: José Antonio Gil Martinez CC BY 2.0)

Galicia announces 40 pc increase in aid for scrapping fishing vessels


Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 23:20 (GMT + 9)

The Secretariat of Rural and Marine Affairs of Xunta de Galicia will allocate more than EUR 13.2 million in aid for permanent cessation of fishing vessels and the summons for 2014.

The objective of the Galician Government is to adapt the fishing fleet capacity to marine resources by reducing fishing effort.

With this summons, the Galician authorities aim to achieve a sustainable balance to ensure that fishing remains an economic development activity for Galicia.

The amount of aid, whose regulatory bases have just been published in the Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) will be co-funded by the European Fisheries Fund.

Potential beneficiaries are the owners of fishing vessels of the third list of the Matriculation Register of Ships that are admitted in the Register of Fishing Vessels of the Autonomous Region and in the Census of the Operative Fishing Fleet.

In addition, these vessels should be included in a fishing effort adjustment plan, which is not the Management Plan of the northwest Cantabrian fishing grounds due to the fact that it has its own specific summons.

Furthermore, each boat will have a minimum 90-day fishing activity in each of the two 12-month periods that precede the permanent cessation application date or 120 fishing days in the 12 months preceding the request filing date.

The Xunta also set that each vessel must be at least 10 years old.

The EUR 13.2 million earmarked for aid represents an increase of 40 per cent over last year subsidies, which amounted to EUR 9.5 million.

The sector expects that this year the applications will be “numerous” because the fleet is facing “many problems,” including a shortage of quotas, the newspaper Faro de Vigo reported.

By Analia Murias



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