Burroughs had three chances to win a Pacific League girls basketball title, but Jakarra Waddell made sure the Indians took care of business in their first opportunity Friday at Arcadia.Waddell scored off a pass from Paula Galicia with 10 seconds remaining to lift Burroughs to a 51-49 victory and an outright championship.Waddell had nine points, seven rebounds and four steals, with Galicia contributing eight points and four Read more [...]
Those mistakes almost derailed the Indians when they fell behind by seven points in the third quarter and trailed by four with just more than four minutes remaining in the game."The whole time that we were down, when Arcadia made a run in the second half, it was like we really weren't that uneasy and we didn't feel bad about it," Burroughs Coach Vicky Oganyan said. "Although out shots weren't falling and we made some mistakes on defense, I thought our energy was good and they just came up big."In Read more [...]
Fishermen in the port of Vigo. (Julieta Fonterosa/Copyright: FIS) Fishermen face great economic losses due to severe weather SPAIN Friday, February 07, 2014, 23:40 (GMT + 9) The members of the fisheries and shellfish sectors of Galicia fear suffering considerable Read more [...]

Marsha Miller

Posted Feb. 7, 2014 @ 8:00 am

Nello Di Costanzo, allenatore dell’Aversa Normanna A sei anni dalla conclusione dell’esperienza in riva allo Stretto per Nello Di Costanzo sarà un autentico tuffo nel passato. Il tecnico romano guidò la squadra nel torneo di Serie B che fece da prologo al fallimento del Football Club Messina. Domenica sarà per la prima volta avversario dei giallorossi al “San Filippo”, uno stadio che lasciò definitivamente il 25 maggio del 2008, giorno in cui il Messina venne battuto dal Lecce Read more [...]

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PT. Niskala Media Tenggara

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Una tempesta dopo l’altra. Ormai da metà dicembre la Galizia, regione nord-occidentale della Spagna confinante con il Portogallo, viene continuamente colpita da tempeste molto forti, con mareggiate di notevoli proporzioni che si abbattono sulla costa e un mare impossibile da navigare in sicurezza. Questa situazione sta iniziando a diventare insostenibile per i pescatori, il cui lavoro forma parte importante dell’economia locale, e che sono costretti a restare Read more [...]
Galicia, home to one of the world’s most important fishing ports, is looking to overcome protective local trade groups and cast its line in international waters. EW looks at the popular European tourism destination’s bid to go global. In 2004, the autonomous north western Spanish region of Galicia made a bold move to attract international business by building a colossal new venue offering 428,000sqm not far from the Read more [...]
The Chieftains called the musician, Carlos Nez, their “seventh member” after he performed on the group’s 1996 album, “Santiago,” a tribute to the region of Galicia in the northwest portion of Spain.Galicia, whose capital is Santiago de Compostela, is often described as Spain’s “Celtic” region, an area so steeped in the music played by The Chieftains that group leader Paddy Maloney called it “the world’s most undiscovered Celtic country” in the album’s liner notes.And Read more [...]

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