La mappa delle vie chiuse oggi per dar spazio al corteo di carnevale con partenza dalla periferia sud Read more [...]
La mappa delle vie chiuse oggi per dar spazio al corteo di carnevale con partenza dalla periferia sud Read more [...]
Tra l’infinità di simboli e bandiere che sommergono il Maidan ogni tanto fa capolino il ritratto di un uomo dalla alta fronte stempiata, i tratti sottili e lo sguardo infuocato. Per molti è un volto sconosciuto, per altri un’icona, per altri ancora la prova che a muovere la protesta ucraina sono le forze più oscure della sua storia. 55 anni dopo la sua morte, avvelenato da uno spray al cianuro spruzzato da un agente del Kgb in piena Monaco, Stepan Bandera, leader dei nazionalisti ucraini, Read more [...]
Dass neben dem deutschen Außenminister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, und seinem französischem Amtskollegen, Laurent Fabius, auch der polnische Außenminister Radoslaw Sikorski Teil der nach Kiew geschickten Troika war, die dem ukrainischen Staatspräsidenten Zugeständnisse abrang, hatte auch eine gewisse historische Symbolkraft. Polen ist nicht nur ein Nachbarstaat der Ukraine, ein Großteil der Ukraine war einst auch ein Teil Polens. Genauer gesagt der Union Polen-Litauen. Ein Großreich, das Elemente Read more [...]
Spanish gaita (bagpipes) player Carlos Núñez is inviting Scottish pipers to join him on stage during his concerts. You can call it a bagpipe, but to Carlos Núñez and others from the northwest Spanish region of Galicia, it’s a gaita. The gaita has been central to Galicia’s Celtic music for centuries. Núñez, the leading exponent of the gaita, also is a pioneer in fusing Galicia’s homegrown music with Celtic music of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany, as well as with other regional music. His Read more [...]
Albert Camus hace meses que regres a primera lnea de la actualidad cultural de la que nunca se fue ?los centenarios es lo que tienen? y al Principal llega El malentendido, un montaje del Centro Dramtico Nacional en el que participan conocidos actores. Cayetana Guilln Cuervo, Julieta Serrano, Ernesto Arias, Lara Grube y Juan Reguiln protagonizan la obra. El malentendido narra la historia de un viajero que llega a un hotel apartado. El establecimiento est regentado por su madre y su hermana, Read more [...]

Marsha Miller

Posted Feb. 20, 2014 @ 8:00 am

New York, NY – (NISMAGAZINE) – 02/20/2014 – Transportadora de Gas del Sur SA (ADR)(NYSE:TGS) traded 3.96% down and closed at $2.18 during the last trading session. Company traded above the 20-Day and 50 -Day EMA of $2.07 and $2.11 respectively, with RSI of 57.16. Recent News on Golden Minerals Co (NYSEMKT:TGS) An Argentina based company, engages in exploitation, distribution and commercialization of natural gas. The company recently released FY13 and Q413 results. The company increased Read more [...]
Click photo to enlargeMusic heard from bagpipes, flutes and drums usually cause listeners to think of the Celtic music of Ireland and Scotland. Carlos Nuñez, master of the gaita bagpipes from Galicia in the northwest corner of Spain, brings surprising Celtic music coupled with modern Spanish energy to the stage. During his February and March tour, Nuñez will perform in 28 different cities across the United States and Canada. Chico Performances will present one of those fortunate venues at the Laxson Read more [...]
Two East High students will be traveling to Indianapolis on Sunday to compete with students from schools in Missouri and Minnesota in the 2014 Finish Line Challenge.Jocelyn Galicia and Anna Farmer, both juniors and members of the school’s DECA business club, are one of three groups of finalists in the competition.Sponosored by DECA and athletic shoe and apparel retailer Finish Line Inc., competitors were asked to research and analyze the company’s “omni-channel” strategy and customer service Read more [...]

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