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Der borte er stranden, her på land er vannet...
Fortsetter i dag.
Det er i nord og nordvestlige Spania at høye bølger og vind i helgen har ført til flom og stengte veier og samtidig gjort skader her og der på gater, parker og havner.
Verst har det vært i Baskerland, Cantabria, Galicia og Asturias. Enkelte steder har bølgene vært 10 meter høye. I tillegg har vinden
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
The next several hours are critical for featherweight boxer Oscar Gonzalez, who lies in a hospital in Mexico displaying partial brain activity as a result of injuries he suffered during Saturday's 10th-round stoppage loss in to Jesus Galicia in Mexico City, according to ESPN Deportes.
Upon her arrival on Sunday, Gonzalez's wife, Magaly Avalos, was informed by a physician that only "part of" the fighter's brain is working, according to the report. El Nuevo Dia reported Gonzalez to be "in
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
(FEB 2) WBAN has just
gotten an update on Oscar Gonzalez who received a severe brain
last night
at the Polanco Forum of Mexico City when he was stopped in the
tenth round. In the
Peninsuladeportive.com news they report the following
(translated): "The Mexican boxer Oscar Gonzalez report to be
brain death, dictated this morning at the Spanish Hospital in
the capital last night after his fight with Jesus Galicia, who
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
By Miguel RiveraEarlier today, several reputable outlets in Mexico reported that Oscar Gonzalez was declared brain dead in the aftermath of Saturday's brutal fight with Jesus Galicia in Polanco.In the tenth round, Gonzalez, 23-years-old, passed out and he was quickly transported to Hospital Español in Mexico City. Gonzalez was immediately taken to the intensive care unit and it was discovered that he suffered a severe brain injury.The boxer's wife, Magaly Avalos, arrived this afternoon from
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Featherweight boxer Oscar Gonzalez has been pronounced brain dead as a result of injuries he suffered during a 10th-round stoppage loss to Jesus Galicia on Saturday in Mexico City, according to various reports.
WBC Secretary General Mauricio Sulaiman said that he was notified of the circumstances late Saturday night by his staff members, who were ringside for the WBC silver title bout.
Sulaiman was informed that doctors' awaiting Gonzalez's family members to arrive
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Questo post è già stato letto 365 VolteE’ stato trascinato in mare all’improvviso da un’onda gigante mentre era in bicicletta su un molo in Galizia, nel nord della Spagna, colpito da una violenta tempesta. E’ accaduto ad un ragazzo di 15 anni nella cittadina di Rapadoira Foz. A dare l’allarme e’ stata la guardia costiera, in un Tweet, mentre continuano le ricerche del ragazzo. Onde enormi, alte fino a 10 metri, hanno colpito
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E' stato trascinato in mare all'improvviso da un'onda gigante mentre era in bicicletta su un molo in Galizia, nel nord della Spagna, colpito da una violenta tempesta. E' accaduto ad un ragazzo di 15 anni nella cittadina di Rapadoira Foz. A dare l'allarme è stata la guardia costiera, in un Tweet, mentre continuano le ricerche del ragazzo. Onde enormi, alte fino a 10 metri, hanno colpito diverse regioni del nord della Spagna. Nei Paesi Baschi, le onde hanno invaso le strade della cittadina turistica
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
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E’ stato trascinato in mare all’improvviso da un’onda gigante mentre era in bicicletta su un molo in Galizia, nel nord della Spagna, colpito da una violenta tempesta. E’ accaduto ad un ragazzo di 15 anni nella cittadina di Rapadoira Foz. A dare l’allarme e’ stata la guardia costiera, in un Tweet, mentre continuano le ricerche del ragazzo. Onde enormi, alte fino a 10 metri, hanno colpito diverse regioni del nord della Spagna. Nei Paesi Baschi, le onde hanno
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