Mexican featherweight Oscar Gonzalez, who suffered a brain injury during a 10th-round knockout loss to Jesus Galicia on Saturday night at the Foro Polanco in Mexico City, died on Monday afternoon as a result of his injuries. He was 23. "These things happen in boxing and nobody expects them to happen in the ring," Jose "Chepo" Reynoso of Canelo Promotions, which put on the card, told in a statement translated into English. "Even though we weren't there at the fight we know Oscar did receive Read more [...]
It is with deep sadness we report that Monday afternoon, featherweight boxer Oscar Gonzalez (23-3, 14KO’s) passed away at age 23, on Monday afternoon as a result of injuries sustained in a 10th round knockout loss to Jesus Galicia Saturday night in Mexico City. Earlier reports stating Gonzalez was in a coma, On Sunday, Gonzalez’s wife, Magaly Avalos, was reportedly told that part of her husband’s brain was dead. Gonzalez had informed his wife prior that he did not want to be alive in Read more [...]
Featherweight boxer Oscar Gonzalez died on Monday afternoon as a result of brain injuries he suffered during a 10th-round knockout loss to Jesus Galicia on Saturday in Mexico City, according to WBC Secretary General Mauricio Sulaiman. Gonzalez was 23. Sulaiman said he was notified of Gonzalez's passing by his staff members, who were at ringside for the WBC-sanctioned bout and at the hospital where Gonzalez was being treated. "My staff is at the hospital. I just heard Read more [...]
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By Salvador RodriguezOscar Gonzalez, 23-years-old, officially passed away on Monday afternoon - 37 hours after arriving in the intensive care unit of the Espanol Hospital of Mexico City. Gonzalez suffered a severe brain injury on Saturday night in his fight with Jesus Galicia at the Polanco Forum. Gonzalez fainted during the tenth round and was immediately taken away by a medical crew. While on Sunday there was confusion over whether or not the boxer was diagnosed as being brain dead - that determination Read more [...]
Da oggi è possibile, registrandosi presso il sito del MIUR, al portale effettuare l’iscrizione per il nuovo ciclo scolatico dell’anno 2014-2015. Circa un milione e mezzo di studenti dal prossimo settembre inizieranno un nuovo ciclo scolastico, sia essa scuola primaria, o secondaria di primo o secondo grado.L’iscrizione può essere fatta esclusivamente per via telematica, esclusa la scuola dell’infanzia, per la quale la domanda va presentata in forma cartacea Read more [...]
MADRID, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- The north of Spain is again bracing itself for bad weather following the storms which caused widespread damage along the coast on Saturday night and Sunday morning.Police and rescue services are still searching for a 15-year-old boy who was swept out to sea by massive waves as he was cycling on Sunday afternoon in the town of Foz in the region of Galicia in northwest Spain.Although there have been no further reported casualties, the waves and the high winds Read more [...]
SORRENTO (3-5-2): Polizzi; Pisani, Villagatti, Caldore; D'Anna, Coppola (70' Lettieri), Danucci (57' Lalli), Catania, Pantano (46' Canotto); Maiorino, Musetti. A disposizione : Miranda, Imparato, Benci, Soudant. Allenatore: Simonelli. AVERSA NORMANNA (4-4-2): D'Agostino; Gennari (90' Di Girolamo), Porcaro, Nocerino, Esposito; Galizia, Gatto, Prevete, Comini (82' Balzano); Di Vicino (21' Jogan), Orlando. A disposizione : Russo, De Rosa, Majella, D'Ursi. Allenatore: Di Costanzo. ARBITRO : Emanuele Read more [...]
SORRENTO – Polizzi, Pisani, Pantano (1' st Canotto), Caldore, Danucci (12' st Lalli), Villagatti, Maiorino, Coppola (25' st Lettieri), Musetti, Catania, D'Anna. A disp.: Santos Miranda, Imparato, Benci, Soudant. All:.Simonelli AVERSA NORMANNA – D'Agostino, Nocerino, Esposito, Gennari (45' st Di Girolamo), Porcaro, gatto, Galizia, Prevete, Orlando, Di Vicino (21' pt Jogan), Comini (38' st Balzano). A disp.: Russo, De Rosa, Majella, D'Ursi. All: Di Costanzo ARBITRO: Mancini di FermoRETE: 12' pt Read more [...]
SORRENTO – Polizzi, Pisani, Pantano (1' st Canotto), Caldore, Danucci (12' st Lalli), Villagatti, Maiorino, Coppola (25' st Lettieri), Musetti, Catania, D'Anna. A disp.: Santos Miranda, Imparato, Benci, Soudant. All:.Simonelli AVERSA NORMANNA – D'Agostino, Nocerino, Esposito, Gennari (45' st Di Girolamo), Porcaro, gatto, Galizia, Prevete, Orlando, Di Vicino (21' pt Jogan), Comini (38' st Balzano). A disp.: Russo, De Rosa, Majella, D'Ursi. All: Di Costanzo ARBITRO: Mancini di FermoRETE: 12' pt Read more [...]

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