Gaia Galizia non è riuscita ad arrivare alle semifinali di X Factor 7. La cantante, eliminata durante il sesto live, parla della sua avventura nel talent di Sky Uno e rivela di tifare per Violetta. Gaia, in un’intervista a Vanity Fair, parla della sua eliminazione: Ovviamente mi è dispiaciuto, anche perché così non ho avuto modo di esibirmi nella seconda. E, senza voler fare polemiche, non è stato mandato in ballottaggio chi ha steccato sulle note alte della prima canzone. Ma per Read more [...]
Teen wanted in Belvidere homicide surrenders, task force investigates officer-involved shooting Anthony Perez By Jim Hagerty Staff Writer A suspect wanted in connection with an early morning homicide in Belvidere Saturday, Nov. 30, has turned himself in to police. Anthony Perez, 19, has been charged with first-degree murder and is lodged in the Boone County Jail on $10 million bond in the shooting Read more [...]
L'Aversa Normanna riscatta parzialmente la sconfitta di Aprilia con un pareggio tra le mura amiche del Bisceglia contro il Martina Franca. Una gara condizionata dalle condizioni atmosferiche e dal campo pesante. Nonostante ciò il pubblico non si è annoiato con entrambe le formazioni andate vicine a sbloccare il risultato dell'incontro.  AVERSA NORMANNA: d’Agostino; Balzano, Porcaro, Prevete, Esposito (80’ Nocerino); De Rosa, Suarino; Galizia, Villanova (72’ Del Prete), Varsi (67’ Di Read more [...]

By Brian Leaf
Rockford Register Star

Posted Nov. 30, 2013 @ 9:37 am

BELVIDERE- Around 12:25 A.M. Saturday Giovanni Galicia, 18, was shot in a car in the 2100 block of Lakeshore Drive. Shortly after the shooting incident, Boone County Sheriff's Police attempted to stop a vehicle matching the suspect's vehicle. Officers chased the suspect vehicle into Winnebago County before it stopped in the area of Perryville and Spring Creek Roads in Rockford. Three people were taken into police custody. One of those subjects, who was shot in the leg Read more [...]
BELVIDERE- Around 12:25 A.M. Saturday Giovanni Galicia, 18, was shot in a car in the 2100 block of Lakeshore Drive. Shortly after the shooting incident, Boone County Sheriff's Police attempted to stop a vehicle matching the suspect's vehicle. Officers chased the suspect vehicle into Winnebago County before it stopped in the area of Perryville and Spring Creek Roads in Rockford. Three people were taken into police custody. One of those subjects, who was shot in the leg Read more [...]

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