Alex Rins will start from pole position for Sunday’s three-way Moto3™ title shootout in Valencia. The Estrella Galicia 0,0 rider was just 16 thousandths of a second quicker than championship leader Luis Salom, with final contender Maverick Viñales third. A race victory would seal the title for either one of the trio. Heading into the 17th and final round of the Moto3™ campaign, just five points cover Salom (Red Bull KTM Ajo), Viñales Read more [...]

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By Lisa LewisTitle contenders Alex Rins, Luis Salom and Maverick Vinales will form the front row of Sunday's grid for the Valencia Moto3 championship showdown.Just five points cover Salom, Vinales and Rins respectively, meaning a win for each would hand them the crown. The title protagonists did not disappoint in qualifying, swapping top times and filling the top three places. Estrella Galicia rider Rins gave himself the advantage, taking his eighth pole of the season and ninth of his career with Read more [...]
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Gaia Galizia salirà sul palco di X Factor 2013 anche settimana prossima in occasione della quarta puntata del talent show in onda su Sky Uno. La ragazza di Castellanza ha superato il turno giovedì sera, anche questa volta senza passare dal ballottaggio. Un percorso quindi, quello di Gaia, che non ha messo particolarmente a rischio la sua permanenza all’interno della gara canora.Nella puntata di due giorni fa, interamente dedicata alla musica degli anni ’90, la ventenne Read more [...]
Nejinak je tomu i v Klatovech. Tam začali pracovníci Technických služeb města Klatov osazovat výzdobu na sloupy veřejného osvětlení už minulý týden a ještě týden jim to bude trvat. „Každoročně musíme začínat tak 14 dnů před slavnostním rozsvěcováním, abychom všechno stihli osadit a zprovoznit. V Klatovech totiž zdobíme nejen samotné centrum města, ale už i přilehlé části, jako jsou Tyršova ulice, Plzeňská a letos nově i Podbranská ulice. Vše Read more [...]
The Friday Moto3™ Free Practice sessions at the GP Generali de la Comunitat Valenciana were topped by the trio fighting for the title, with Luis Salom leading Alex Rins and Maverick Viñales. Salom’s best time of 1’40.403 from FP1 was the best of the day and the Red Bull KTM Ajo man’s best FP2 time was just a tenth of a second slower, as Rins (Estrella Galicia 0,0) topped the timesheet in the latter session with a 1’40.489 fastest Read more [...]
Argentine financial group Grupo Galicia (Nasdaq: GGAL) posted higher than expected net income of 536mn pesos (US$89.9mn) in 3Q13, up 54% compared to the year-ago... This news article is one of hundreds published daily by Business News Americas about the commodities, markets, movements, companies, projects, economics and politics integral to the development of Latin America. Including news and insight from South America, Central America and the Caribbean, BNamericas includes Banking insight and Read more [...]
Zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.11.2013 um 19:05 Uhr Zu einem tödlichen Unfall kam es am Freitag kurz nach 15 Uhr auf der Packer Straße in Galizien. Ein 80-Jähriger Pkw-Lenker prallte gegen das Fahrzeug eines 50-Jährigen. Für den Pensionisten kam jede Hilfe zu spät.Foto © KLZ/KanizajEin 80-jähriger Pkw-Lenker war am Freitag mit seinem Auto auf der Packer Straße von Völkermarkt Richtung Klagenfurt unterwegs. Er bog links in die Thoner Landesstraße ein und prallte dabei gegen den Pkw eines 50-jährigen Read more [...]
C REGIONALE: TECHNOACQUE FASANO, È DERBY CON L’OSTUNI Le due squadre sono appaiate a 10 punti e si giocano il secondo posto in classifica Una partita vietata ai deboli di cuore è in programma domenica prossima alle 18.00, al tensostatico in via Galizia: si giocherà Technoacque Fasano-Cestistica Ostuni, incontro valido per la 7^ giornata di campionato. Derby impensabile fino allo scorso anno, quando la Cestistica calcava i parquet della serie D, mentre la società principale, l’Assi Read more [...]

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