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November 13, 2013 12:58AM
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News, Regate, Sport
martedì, novembre 12th, 2013
Domani mattina, a partire dalle ore nove, inizierà la procedura di partenza per quella che sarà una Mini Transat eccezionale: una tappa unica tra Sada, in Galizia, e Pointe à Pitre, in Guadalupa, con un cancello da passare alle isole Canarie per un totale teorico di 3.700 miglia.
Per tutti i concorrenti che sono stati dirottati
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Hernandez died in hospital early on Monday morning after suffering from a series of complications, his son said. Known as “La Quina,” Hernandez was thrown in jail weeks after President Carlos Salinas took office in December 1988. Although he was widely seen as corrupt, Hernandez was also brought down by Salinas's desire to put pressure on the oil workers' union as part of plans to liberalize state oil and gas monopoly Pemex. “Given my father's age, 91, he had health complications,” his son
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Mussel harvesting boat. (Photo: Xunta)
Intecmar defends its management of red tide
Tuesday, November 12, 2013, 03:30 (GMT + 9)
The Technological Institute for the Control of Marine Environment (Intecmar) uses the official and reference methods in the
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„Každoročně musíme začínat tak 14 dnů před slavnostním rozsvěcováním, abychom všechno stihli osadit a zprovoznit. V Klatovech totiž zdobíme nejen samotné centrum města, ale už i přilehlé části, jako jsou Tyršova ulice, Plzeňská a letos nově i Podbranská ulice. Vše musíme stihnout do pátku 29. listopadu, kdy bude v Klatovech slavnostně rozsvícen vánoční strom a s ním i celé slavnostní osvětlení města," informoval ředitel Technických služeb
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Hernandez, who went by the nickname "La Quina," a play on his first name, died in the port city of Tampico, where he had been hospitalized with an abdominal ailment, according to the news agency Notimex.
Both the rise of Hernandez, starting in the 1950s, and his subsequent arrest by former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari in 1989, demonstrated the legacy of the old feudal system that infected Mexican public life long after the country's independence
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The former leader of Mexico’s powerful SNTPRM oil workers unions, Joaquin Hernandez Galicia, died Monday in the northeastern city of Tampico, media outlets said. He was 91.
The death of the man known as “La Quina” came around 6 a.m., two weeks after he was hospitalized.
Hernandez Galicia’s reign over the SNTPRM ended abruptly on Jan. 10, 1989, when Mexican President Carlos Salinas
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
MEXICO CITY – The former leader of Mexico’s powerful SNTPRM oil workers unions, Joaquin Hernandez Galicia, died Monday in the northeastern city of Tampico, media outlets said. He was 91.The death of the man known as “La Quina” came around 6 a.m., two weeks after he was hospitalized.Hernandez Galicia’s reign over the SNTPRM ended abruptly on Jan. 10, 1989, when Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari ordered his arrest in a military operation that bypassed the normal legal channels.Later,
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
MEXICO CITY — Joaquin Hernandez Galicia, the once-feared boss of Mexico's powerful oil workers union, died Monday at age 91, his sons said.
Hernandez died after spending several days in a hospital in the northern city of Tampico for stomach problems, said his son Juan Manuel Hernandez Correa.
"Because of his advanced age he couldn't hold on," the son said.
Hernandez spent nearly nine years in prison after troops stormed his home and arrested him on manslaughter
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