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The man at the helm of the oil tanker Prestige, Captain Apostolos Mangouras, Greek, now aged 78, sent the SOS shortly after three o’clock in the afternoon. It was a Wednesday – November 13. The ship had already been in poor condition and had a structural fault but it had all the necessary papers to sail. The government ordered the vessel towed out to sea.
The court would rule this was the right decision.
Captain Mangouras said it was the government’s fault that this led the Prestige to
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
ELEVEN years after Spains worst ever oil spill, sentence has finally been passed. The captain of the Prestige tanker has been jailed for nine months for delaying the towing of the tanker.
But environmental groups are disappointed that all three accused were acquitted by the Galicia High Court of environmental crimes.
They included the former general manager of the Merchant Marine, Jose Luis Lopez Sors. Only the captain of the tanker, Apostolos Mangouras, has been sentenced to
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
(ANSAmed) - MADRID, NOVEMBER 13 - A Spanish court acquitted Wednesday all three defendants of blame for the largest environmental disaster in European history. No civil or penal responsibility was assigned for the damage to the over 2,000 beaches along 1,700 km of coastline stretching from Portugal to southern France, which in 2002 were flooded with 77,000 tonnes of crude oil. Some 17,000 birds died, vast tracts of mussels were destroyed, and over 4 billion euros in economic and environmental
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
(ANSAmed) - MADRID, NOVEMBER 13 - A Spanish court acquitted
Wednesday all three defendants of blame for the largest
environmental disaster in European history.
No civil or penal responsibility was assigned for the damage
to the over 2,000 beaches along 1,700 km of coastline stretching
from Portugal to southern France, which in 2002 were flooded
with 77,000 tonnes of crude oil. Some 17,000 birds died, vast
tracts of mussels were destroyed, and over 4 billion euros in
economic and
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Environmental groups have expressed their outrage after a Spanish court absolved the government of any responsibility for one of Europe's worst-ever environmental disasters, when the Prestige oil tanker went down off north-west Galicia.The Prestige split in half and sank six days after it ran into trouble in November 2002, spilling more than 50,000 tonnes of crude oil into the Atlantic off Cape Finisterre, ruining local fishing waters and beaches. Spain was widely criticised at the time for
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Filed Under FR | Прокоментуй!
Après dix ans d'instruction, s'ouvrait le 16 octobre 2012 à la Corogne (Galicie) le procès du Prestige, navire libérien battant pavillon des Bahamas, qui avait fait naufrage en novembre 2002 sur la côte nord-ouest espagnole, provoquant une catastrophe environnementale qui avait souillé aussi les côtes françaises et portugaises. Victime d'une tempête, le navire chargé de quelque 77.000 tonnes de fuel, laissait s'échapper au bout de quelques jours près de 60.000 tonnes de pétrole, polluant
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Spain acquits accused in Prestige oil spill
No criminal responsibility, insurance company to bear damages
13 November, 16:59
Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Spagna, tutti assolti per il disastro della«Prestige»«Nessuno può dire cosa abbia affondato la nave»
11 anni dopo la catastrofe che riversò in mare 77 mila tonnellate di combustibile arriva la sentenza che assolve tutti gli accusati
Sono passati 11 anni dal naufragio della Prestige, la petroliera che, il 13 novembre del 2002, si spezzò in due al largo della costa della Galizia, in Spagna. Riversando in mare 77 mila tonnellate di combustibile.
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Madrid, 13 nov. (TMNews) - Undici anni dopo il naufragio della petroliera Prestige, spezzatasi in due al largo delle coste della Galizia, la giustizia spagnola si appresta a pronunciare il suo verdetto dopo otto mesi di udienze. La sentenza è attesa per le 11.
Sul banco degli imputati siedono il comandante della petroliera, Apostolos Mangouras; il capo macchinista, Nikolaos Argyropoulos; e il responsabile della Marina mercantile spagnola dell'epoca, José Luis Lopez-Sors: se condannati, rischiano
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
The Associated Press Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013 | 12:29 a.m. Joaquin Hernandez Galicia, the once-feared boss of Mexico's powerful oil workers union, died Monday at age 91, his sons said.Hernandez died after spending several days in a hospital in the northern city of Tampico for stomach problems, said his son Juan Manuel Hernandez Correa."Because of his advanced age he couldn't hold on," the son said.Hernandez spent nearly nine years in prison after troops stormed his home and arrested him on manslaughter
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