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Galizia: “Nel Pdl non ci sono spaccature”
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Martedì 29 Ottobre 2013 17:43
Non c'è nessuna spaccatura nel centrodestra, solo una divergenza di opinioni sul sostegno alle larghe intese. Parola di Simona Galizia, che interviene all'indomani dell'annuncio della costituzione del gruppo consiliare di Forza Italia da parte dell'ex sindaco Giovanni Moscherini. L'esponente del Pdl ammette che una parte del suo partito sta cercando
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One prominent example is the Eurovegas mega-casino, backed by Sheldon Adelson, the U.S. billionaire, who has lobbied the government to change local laws on smoking and other issues in exchange for creating jobs. Galicia and Asturias have unemployment rates above 20 per cent, so are as keen as the rest of Spain to attract employers. However, Edgewater has discovered that employment concerns do not always seal the deal. Having embraced the project at the start, the Galicia government has backed
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For CEO Josep Oliu: "The incorporation of Banco Gallego allows us to reinforce our presence in the Galician community and increase our share of branches up to 7%. This integration is another step forward in the consolidation of our project for the development of a major national bank, a leader in reliability and quality of service, after the recent successful bids for Banco CAM, for the BMN business in Catalonia and Aragon and for the Spanish network of Lloyds Banking Group."
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NEW YORK, October 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Editor Note: For more information about this release, please scroll to bottom.
Today, Analysts' Corner announced new research reports highlighting Lloyds Banking
Group plc (NYSE: LYG), Old Republic International Corp. (NYSE: ORI), Ambac Financial
Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMBC), DuPont Fabros Technology, Inc. (NYSE: DFT), and Grupo
Financiero Galicia S.A. (NASDAQ: GGAL). Today's readers may access these reports free of
charge - including
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Alexis' goal against Real Madrid
Neymar Jr's goal against Real Madrid
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Spagna | 28/10/2013 - 19:03
BARCELLONA INFORTUNIO PIQUE CELTA VIGO / BARCELLONA (Spagna) - Gerard Pique salterà la sfida di domani sera in campionato sul campo del Celta Vigo. Il difensore del Barcellona non è stato convocato dal tecnico Martino
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Sardine canning factory. (Photo Credit: Anfaco)
Sharp drop in fish exports to the Russian market
Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 00:50 (GMT + 9)
The fishing industry exporting to the Customs Union -- Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan -- is suffering a significant
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Czym była Polska Komisja Likwidacyjna?Kategorie: Tego dnia...2013-10-28 16:35 Daniel Wójtowicz95 rocznica powstania Polskiej Komisji Likwidacyjnej jest doskonałą okazją do przypomnienia i nakreślenia działalności niezbyt rozpowszechnionego w polskiej historiografii organu, który w dobie odradzania się Rzeczpospolitej u kresu I wojny światowej miał spore znaczenie dla jej przyszłego kształtu i ustroju. Bez zabiegów Komisji Likwidacyjnej dużo wolniej nastąpiła by unifikacja Polski
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