Anchovy fisheries. (Photo: Anfaco)

Anchovy quota increase in Cadiz waters and southern Galicia


Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 22:30 (GMT + 9)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) announced an increase in anchovy (Engraulis engrasicolus) quota at 1,000 tonnes thanks to an exchange that has been agreed with the Government of Portugal.

Thus, in the Gulf of Cadiz and southern Galicia it will be possible to catch a total of 6,726 tonnes this year.

This figure shows an increase of 1,500 tonnes from 2012, the year in which 1,000 tonnes had to be paid due to the overfishing that occurred in 2011.

Last December, an increase of 5 per cent of the total allowable catch (TAC) of the pelagic resource was negotiated with the European Commission (EC).

The government says that thanks to this increase and to the new Management Plan of the Gulf of Cadiz, recently approved with the fisheries sector that was affected, which includes a quota allocation per port, and to the exchanges performed with the neighboring country the efficient management of quotas has been achieved.

In addition, it highlights that the quotas were not exhausted prematurely, like last year, and that overfishing or lack of control was not incurred.

In August 2012, the head of Magrama committed with the fishing industry to implement measures to improve the situation of the industry.

At the time, the olympic fishing system had to close the fishery for anchovy but the Ministry stressed that the efforts initiated by the Ministry of Fisheries of Portugal made it possible to enable quota assignments in favour of Spain “to save the situation.”

The authority is confident that the development of management measures of anchovy and the forthcoming entry into force of the fisheries protocol with Morocco will facilitate sustained profitability of the fishing activity of boats and crew, particularly in this region of Andalusia.

Related article:

Fisheries management plan in Gulf of Cadiz under preparation

By Analia Murias

Photo Courtesy of FIS Member  ANFACO-CECOPESCA – Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Conservas de Pescados y Mariscos-


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