The driver of a train that derailed in north-western Spain, killing 78 people, was to appear on Sunday before an investigative judge for questioning, the court in Galicia said.Francisco Jose Garzon, 52, has been charged with manslaughter. He was taken on Saturday from hospital to a police station in Santiago de Compostela.He was held overnight in a cell at the station. He had so far refused to answer questions about the accident late on Wednesday.One of Europe’s worst rail accidents occurred Read more [...]
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Santiago de Compostela has been reeling with grief since Wednesday night as the death toll from Spain’s worst train crash in four decades has crept up and up. But for some families, the last few days have been particularly distressing as they go through an agonising wait to find out whether their loved ones are among the victims.The friends and relatives of victims have been gathered at a public building on the edge of the city, where the news of the deaths is broken to them following forensic Read more [...]
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA -  The driver of a Spanish train that derailed at high speed killing 78 people was released from hospital on Saturday, but he remained in police custody ahead of an appearance before a judge to answer questions about what went wrong. Francisco Garzon, 52, was treated for a head injury he sustained in Wednesday's crash. He declined to give a statement to police on Friday. "He ... has been arrested by the police on charges of alleged reckless homicide," Interior Read more [...]
Primi passi dell'inchiesta in Galizia. Il conducente sarà interrogato domenica "E' previsto che i funerali si celebreranno alle 19", ha detto un portavoce della cattedrale di Santiago de Compostela. Il governo regionale della Galizia aveva detto di lavorare per organizzare i funerali solenni sottolineando che "la priorità era quella di portare assistenza ai feriti, alle famiglie e identificare le vittime" Il deragliamento dal video delle ferrovie galiziane ROMA -Sarà interrogato domani Francisco Read more [...]
Der zweifache Weltmeister Fernando Alonso sagte vor dem Großen Preis von Ungarn in Budapest: «Unsere Gedanken sind bei den Familien der Menschen, die in diesem Zug saßen.» Das Lotus-Team tritt aus «Respekt und Zeichen moralischer Unterstützung» auf dem Hungaroring mit der galizischen Flagge auf seinen Rennwagen an.Bei dem schweren Unglück in dem berühmten Pilgerort starben 80 Menschen, viele schweben noch in Lebensgefahr. «Es gibt keine Uhr, die man zurückdrehen kann, um das Ergebnis dieses Read more [...]
Santiago de Campostela Un giovane siciliano tra le vittime del treno  Strage. Arrestato il macchinista C'è anche un italiano tra le 80 vittime del treno deragliato mercoledì sera a Santiago de Campostela: la Farnesina ha confermato che è (foto) Dario Lombardo, Read more [...]
Si chiama Daniele Lombardo la presunta vittima italiana coinvolta nella tragedia di Santiago De Compostela, dove per il deragliamento del treno sono morte 78 persone. Dario, 25enne siciliano di Forza D’Agrò, si trovava in Galizia in vacanza. Secondo quanto riferisce una sua amica ucraina, Dario si trovava proprio su quel treno. Del ragazzo si sono perse le tracce dalle 20,42 di mercoledì scorso. I genitori, che si sono recati in Spagna ieri sera, stanno vivendo ore d’ansia, Read more [...]
“Mark’s too ill to speak. We’re indebted to the local authorities, hospital workers and volunteers, there’s no doubt their actions saved lives” Dad, Robert Mark’s mum, who has now remarried, added: “We wanted to get over as soon as we heard Mark was in hospital but couldn’t get a flight until Friday.“Our priority at the moment is concentrating on helping him get better.”Seventy other crash victims are still being treated at hospitals Read more [...]
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain — Spanish judicial authorities say the driver in charge of a Spanish train that derailed at high speed, killing 78 people and injuring dozens more, will not be appearing before a judge on Saturday as had been hoped. A justice department statement released early Saturday says the intention now is to wait until 52-year-old Francisco Jose Garzon Amo is able to appear in court, rather than having a judge come to his hospital bedside. Garzon is under arrest in a Read more [...]

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