Esteri29/07/2013 Gli è stato ritirato il passaporto e ha l' obbligo di firma ogni settimana. Francisco Jose' Garzon Amo, il macchinista del treno deragliato a Santiago de Compostela, e' accusato di 79 omicidi "per imprudenza" ed e'ora a piede libero. Lo ha reso noto il Tribunale regionale della Galizia. Per disposizione del giudice istruttore gli è stato ritirato il passaporto e imposto l'obbligo di firma ogni settimana, ed è stato interdetto alla guida. Stasera nella cattedrale di Santiago Read more [...]
The driver of the train that crashed last week near Santiago de Compostela, northern Spain, was released on bail by a local judge yesterday. The driver, identified by the initials F.J.G.A., potentially faces 79 charges of homicide through professional negligence, the high court of Galicia said in an e-mailed statement last night. He has been forbidden from leaving Spain and his license to drive trains has been withdrawn for six months. A North American woman died yesterday as a result of the accident, Read more [...]
Garzon reportedly told officers he wanted to “die” after the disaster, Spain’s worst railway accident since 1944.A memorial service will be held at the city’s cathedral tomorrow. Three days of official mourning were declared on Thursday.Julio Gomez Pomar, president of state rail operator Renfe, said the driver had 30 years’ experience with the company and had worked on the line for more than a year.The accident occurred on the express route between the capital, Madrid, and the port city Read more [...]
Articoli correlati In Spagna i primi funerali delle vittime… 28/07/2013 03:04 CET Spagna: l’omaggio del Principe e della Principessa… 27/07/2013 06:25 CET Spagna: “omicidio per imprudenza” l’accusa per il… 27/07/2013 18:05 CET I reali di Spagna visitano i feriti dell’incidente di… 26/07/2013 01:44 CET Spagna: annullate le celebrazioni per San Giacomo 26/07/2013 03:15 CET Read more [...]
Santiago de Compostela, 29 lug. (TMNews) - Il macchinista del treno deragliato mercoledì a Santiago di Compostela è stato ufficialmente incriminato ieri per "79 casi di omicidio per imprudenza" ma è stato rimesso in libertà vigilata. Francisco José Garzon Amo, 52 anni, è sospettato di non avere frenato in tempo, arrivendo ad una velocità troppo elevata alla curva della strage. Il limite previsto era di 80 chilometri orari. Ascoltato ieri per quasi due ore dal giudice Luis Alaez, Read more [...]
Santiago de Compostela, 29 lug. (TMNews) - Il macchinista del treno deragliato mercoledì a Santiago di Compostela è stato ufficialmente incriminato ieri per "79 casi di omicidio per imprudenza" ma è stato rimesso in libertà vigilata. Francisco José Garzon Amo, 52 anni, è sospettato di non avere frenato in tempo, arrivendo ad una velocità troppo elevata alla curva della strage. Il limite previsto era di 80 chilometri orari. Ascoltato ieri per quasi Read more [...]
The stepfather of the only Briton injured in Spain’s worst train disaster for decades has spoken of his shock at seeing photos of him staggering away from the wreckage. Mark Woodward, 38, originally from Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, was treated in intensive care for a broken pelvis and ribs and has had his spleen removed, the BBC reported. He was among 168 passengers injured in the derailment just outside the city of Santiago de Compostela on Wednesday night, which left 78 dead. Robert Spencer said Read more [...]
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SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain (AP) — An official says the death toll from Spain's train derailment has risen to 79 after an injured passenger died in a hospital. The spokeswoman from the regional government of Galicia told The Associated Press the death occurred Sunday. A spokeswoman at the University Hospital complex in Santiago de Compostela confirmed the fatality, but did not identify the victim. However, Spanish national broadcaster RTVE said the person was an American woman. The train crashed Read more [...]
Updated July 29, 2013 11:55:25 Photo: Train driver, Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, appeared before a judge in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (AFP: Rafa Rivas) The driver of a train that hurtled off the rails in Spain has been charged with 79 counts of reckless homicide and released on bail after being questioned by a judge.Seventy-nine people died and more than 100 were injured when the train came off the track rounding Read more [...]

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