MADRID, July 29 -- An official memorial service was held on Monday evening in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, northwestern Spain in tribute to the victims of last week's train crash which claimed 79 lives. The service was attended by the Prince Felipe of Asturias and his wife Dona Leticia, as well as Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, cabinet members, President of the Region of Galicia Alberto Nunez Feijoo, and leaders of other autonomous communities. The cathedral was full of mourners Read more [...]
The World. Image Credit: wikimedia     A newspaper in Spain is reporting that a crew member from the cruise vessel, The World has gone overboard in the Atlantic Ocean, off the west coast of Spain, northwest of Portugal AIS tracking systems apparently showed the vessel sailing in a search pattern, according to Spanish newspaper La Voz da Galicia. The newspaper states that the missing man is a Filipino crew member, with his name and job position not been identified, Read more [...]
An official memorial service was held on Monday evening in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, northwestern Spain in tribute to the victims of last week's train crash which claimed 79 lives.The service was attended by the Prince Felipe of Asturias and his wife Dona Leticia, as well as Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, cabinet members, President of the Region of Galicia Alberto Nunez Feijoo, and leaders of other autonomous communities.The cathedral was full of mourners and thousands of others Read more [...]
Ascoltato dal giudice, incriminato per omicidio perimprudenzaSantiago de Compostela, 29 lug. (TMNews) - Il macchinista del treno deragliato mercoledì a Santiago di Compostela è stato ufficialmente incriminato ieri per "79 casi di omicidio per imprudenza" ma è stato rimesso in libertà vigilata. Francisco José Garzon Amo, 52 anni, è sospettato di non avere frenato in tempo, arrivando ad una velocità troppo elevata alla curva della strage. Il limite previsto era Read more [...]
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain / Galicia (AFP) - Hundreds of mourners gathered Monday at a memorial mass for the 79 people killed in Spain's worst train disaster in years held in the world pilgrimage city of Santiago de Compostela.Members of the royal family and government joined grieving families and locals in the city's great yellow-stone cathedral as the bells sounded a slow funeral toll for those killed in Wednesday's crash.The driver is accused of causing the crash. He was charged late on Read more [...]
An official memorial service was held on Monday evening in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, northwestern Spain in tribute to the victims of last week's train crash which claimed 79 lives. The service was attended by the Prince Felipe of Asturias and his wife Dona Leticia, as well as Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, cabinet members, President of the Region of Galicia Alberto Nunez Feijoo, and leaders of other autonomous communities. The cathedral was full of mourners and thousands of others Read more [...]
<!--Related Stories 112 dead after fire engulfs northeast China poultry plant Greek government shuts down public TV station Train derails, explosion rattles buildings Driver of ill-fated Spanish train under investigation Runaway oil train explodes in Canada, several still missing Computer Generated. --> SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain (AP) — An official says the death toll from Spain's train derailment Read more [...]
<!--Related Stories 112 dead after fire engulfs northeast China poultry plant Greek government shuts down public TV station Train derails, explosion rattles buildings Driver of ill-fated Spanish train under investigation Runaway oil train explodes in Canada, several still missing Computer Generated. --> SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain (AP) — An official says the death toll from Spain's train derailment Read more [...]
Ampliar Francisco Jose Garzon (center), the driver of the high-speed train involved in a derailment that killed 79 people last week in the northwestern Spanish region of Galicia, leaves the courthouse in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. EFE Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Jul 29 (EFE).- Francisco Jose Garzon, the driver of the high-speed train involved in a derailment that killed 79 people last week in the northwestern Spanish Read more [...]
Ampliar Francisco Jose Garzon (center), the driver of the high-speed train involved in a derailment that killed 79 people last week in the northwestern Spanish region of Galicia, leaves the courthouse in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. EFE Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Jul 29 (EFE).- Francisco Jose Garzon, the driver of the high-speed train involved in a derailment that killed 79 people last week in the northwestern Spanish Read more [...]

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