Zwiedzający muzeum zobaczą także rodzinne zdjęcia Jacobs. - Obok ekspozycji nikt nie przejdzie obojętnie, wzruszy ona każdego- mówi Anna Janeczko, opiekunka wystawy. Poprzez ukazanie historii jednej rodziny, wystawa podejmuje tematykę pamięci i utraty oraz ilustruje siłę sztuki, dzięki które można "wskrzeszać" nieżyjące postacie. - Szczególnie ciekawym elementem jest 10-minutowy film pokazujący proces twórczy Jacobs, w którym wypowiada się także ocalała z getta warszawskiego, Read more [...]
After more than a century of waiting, including delays and project cancellations, the twin cities of Vigo in Spain and Oporto in Portugal will be united by a new nonstop train connection beginning today, shortening the trip significantly.But more than simply speeding up transportation between the two cities, locals hope that the route will be the first step toward integrating the economies of the historical rivals to attract more investment and soften the bite of the European debt crisis.“It makes Read more [...]
After more than a century of waiting, including delays and project cancellations, the twin cities of Vigo in Spain and Oporto in Portugal will be united by a new nonstop train connection beginning today, shortening the trip significantly. But more than simply speeding up transportation between the two cities, locals hope that the route will be the first step toward integrating the economies of the historical rivals to attract more investment and soften the bite of the European debt crisis. “It Read more [...]
A faster train service between Porto and Vigo debuts today. Locals hope it will help unite the region. By Andrés Cala, Correspondent / July 1, 2013 Oporto, Portugal After more than a century of waiting, including delays and project cancellations, the twin cities of Vigo in Spain and Oporto in Portugal will Read more [...]
Dette bildet tok vi på La Mata-stranden søndag formiddag. Foto: Terje Aspdahl De neste ukene blir heite. Det spanske meteorologiske instituttet (AEMET) kan med glede fortelle at sommeren ikke er over. Tvert imot. Mandag vil kvikksølvet fortsette å krype oppover. Bortsett fra i Galicia, Asturias og Kanariøyene som går ned fra mild eller moderat temperatur. Opptil 28 provinser Read more [...]
Kvinne i 50-årene døde. Søndag formiddag ved 10-tiden ble en kvinne i 50-årene påkjørt og drept av sin egen bil i byen Meis Pontevedra i Galicia nord i Spania. Ulykken inntraff da kvinnen skulle besøke sin mor. Da hun gikk ut av bilen begynte den å trille og traff henne. Ifølge Europa Press antar politiet at håndbrekket enten har sviktet eller ikke vært i bruk. Ambulanse og Read more [...]
Imprimir lascia il tuocommento Roma | 01/07/2013 - 13:43 CALCIOMERCATO ROMA LUIS ENRIQUE JOSE' ANGEL CELTA VIGO / VIGO (Spagna) - Potrebbero tornare ad incrociarsi i destini di Luis Enrique e Josè Angel, stavolta però lontano da Roma. Secondo 'La Voz de Galizia', l'allenatore Read more [...]

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