Filed Under DE | Прокоментуй!
Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
RAIL services in Galicia have returned to normal following Spain’s deadliest train crash in 40 years with almost 80 fatalities and 178 injured.
Eighty-three of the casualties remained in hospital and 32 of them are reported to be in a critical condition.
A judge is today analysing the data from the train’s black boxes, with the supervision of an expert, the Renfe’s Head of Circulation Safety and a legal committee.
The train driver, 52, who was arrested once released from
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Filed Under NO | Прокоментуй!
(Dagbladet): Mens de etterlatte etter dødsofrene i den dramatiske togulykken i Santiago de Compostela forrige uke tar farvel med sine kjære, har det dukket opp nye opplysninger som styrker bevisene for at ulykken skyldes en menneskelig feil. Ifølge en foreløpig politirapport er det liten tvil om at lokføreren, Francisco José Garzón, har gjort en feil og er skyld i ulykken som kostet 79 mennesker livet, skriver La Voz de Galicia. Overfor dommer Luis Aláez har Garzón fortalt at
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Wrecked trains are always an unsettling sight. Chancing on them on TV, they look like broken toy trains and make us feel like terrified children. But a train crash at 200 km/h, like the one on Wednesday in Santiago de Compostela, in the Spanish region of Galicia, goes beyond even our usual expectations. About a third of its 200+ passengers and crew died. Everyone else was injured, many of them seriously. Santiago de Compostela, a city that was built a thousand years ago with the sole purpose
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Lunedì alle 19:00 nella cattedrale di Santiago de Compostela, in Galizia, si sono tenuti i funerali per le 79 persone morte nell’incidente ferroviario avvenuto mercoledì 24 luglio a poca distanza dalla città. Alla cerimonia erano presenti il primo ministro spagnolo Mariano Rajoy con alcuni membri del governo e autorità locali, e il principe Felipe di Spagna con la moglie Letizia e la principessa Elena. Centinaia di persone hanno seguito il funerale da un maxischermo
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
This respect marks precisely the limit between that which is the object of public debate and that which is not. For us, the personal side, the manner and expressions of pain of the persons directly or indirectly affected by the tragedy remain outside of public debate. We believe that those who seek to highlight the pain, the personal histories and the familial tragedies are those who do not recognize the limits of ethics. Pain should not be commodified under any pretext.
We also express our rejection
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
Former colleagues and locals of crash driver Francisco Jose Garzon Amo have said he was 'responsible' and 'competent' in the past.
Train driver admits to lapse of concentration (29 Jul 13)
Friends defend 'excellent professional' crash driver (28 Jul 13)
Spanish police detain 'speeding' train driver (26 Jul 13)
'We are grieving with the Spaniards': Obama (26 Jul 13)
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Filed Under EN | Прокоментуй!
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain / Galicia, July 29, 2013 (AFP) - Mourners gathered for a memorial service Monday for the 79 people killed in Spain's worst train disaster in decades, after the driver was charged with reckless homicide.
The judge released the driver on bail, charged with 79 counts of reckless homicide, said the regional high court in Santiago de Compostela, the northwestern pilgrimage city where the crash occurred on Wednesday.
Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, 52, admitted to the judge he
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Filed Under IT | Прокоментуй!
Martedì a Forza d’Agro,nel messinese, le esequie di Dario
Il macchinista, dopo l’interrogatorio, è stato rilasciato a piede libero. E’ accusato di 79 omicidi, quante sono le vittime della strage. Ha ammesso davanti a giudici di essersi distratto. Nella cattedrale di Santiago, dove si celebra la cerimonia funebre molte le autorità presenti tra cui il premier Maiano Rajoy, il principe delle Asturie, Felipe, con la moglie Letizia, e l'Infanta Elena. Un funerale senza le salmedei defunti,
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Filed Under NO | Прокоментуй!
El juez Luis Alez dej en libertad a Francisco Jos Garzn porque ni el fiscal ni el resto de las partes solicitaron la prisin provisional. Lo dej libre, pero con cargos por 79 delitos de homicidio y por una pluralidad de delitos de lesiones, y tambin le aplic una serie de imposiciones. El juez le obliga a presentarse cada semana en dependencias judiciales, le retir el pasaporte y la licencia para conducir trenes durante seis meses, como medida cautelar.
El homicidio imprudente est penado
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