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December 20, 2010 by Dina Kraft, JTAFollow JewishJournal.com on On a sloping green hill tucked between small farmsteads, the mottled graves of Jews buried here since the 1600s rise up like a forgotten forest. Trudging through the mud between the tilted stones, their chiseled Hebrew lettering and renderings of menorahs sometimes barely visible, Vladimer Levin, an animated young historian who specializes in Jewish art, wants to save the gravestones. “When we talk about preserving Read more [...]
Tomás Gutiérrez /JaénCanal Cocina emite hoy, a las tres y media de la tarde, un nuevo capítulo de la serie 'El Jardín Azul de Galicia', en el que la provincia de Jaén tendrá un especial protagonismo. El flamante espacio defiende, como santo y seña, el uso del aceite de oliva virgen extra jiennense. El capítulo se centrará en las nuevas especies, denominadas 'invasoras', que llegan en oleadas a las costas gallegas a consecuencia del cambio climático. En esta ocasión, el programa se traslada Read more [...]
Pd: “Galizia….Galizia? Chi era costei?” Scritto da Redazione Mercoledì 03 Luglio 2013 10:51 "Ringraziamo la stampa per aver pubblicato la foto della rappresentate di Lazio in Movimento Simona Galizia così da poter rinfrescare la memoria anche dei più attenti lettori che la avevano del tutto dimenticata". Inizia così la nota firmata da Patrizia Mangano e Chiara Ceccarelli della direzione del Pd. "Galizia - dichiara Mangano e Ceccarelli Read more [...]
Bonito. (Photo: StockFile) Bonito landings produce EUR 9.2 million in Galician ports SPAIN Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 04:20 (GMT + 9) Last year more than 2,200 tonnes of bonito were landed in Galician ports for an economic value exceeding EUR 9.2 million. This Read more [...]
Lean manufacturing has proliferated over the last two decades since Toyota sparked a revolution while on its way to becoming the world’s largest carmaker. Today’s lean production systems are intermixed with process quality systems like Six Sigma and kaizen continuous improvement practices. Although lean manufacturing has been adopted almost universally in the face of today’s business and economic realities, some organizations are more successful practitioners than others. The pioneering Read more [...]
Lean manufacturing has proliferated over the last two decades since Toyota sparked a revolution while on its way to becoming the world’s largest carmaker. Today’s lean production systems are intermixed with process quality systems like Six Sigma and kaizen continuous improvement practices. Although lean manufacturing has been adopted almost universally in the face of today’s business and economic realities, some organizations are more successful practitioners than others. The pioneering Read more [...]
Caso Tosini, Galizia: “Il caos di Palazzo del Pincio non è più accettabile” Scritto da Redazione Martedì 02 Luglio 2013 17:10 "Il caos in cui versa palazzo del Pincio e la totale paralisi politico-amministrativa del centrosinistra non sono più accettabili". E' quanto afferma l'esponente del Pdl Simona Galizia alla luce della notizia di incompatibilità del neo-assessore all'Ambiente Flaminia Tosini. Secondo la Galizia gli amministratori Read more [...]
A Galician woman gave birth to a baby daughter in a hotel room on Sunday just two hours after hospital staff diagnosed her as not being in labour and sent her home again. Parents fight for right to choose babies' sex (27 Jun 13) Spain's 'pipe baby' freed after 40 hours in drain (24 Jun 13) Breastfeeding mothers battle the bottle in Spain (19 Jun 13) Spanish twins' first touch takes Read more [...]
A Galician woman gave birth to a baby daughter in a hotel room on Sunday just two hours after hospital staff diagnosed her as not being in labour and sent her home again. Parents fight for right to choose babies' sex (27 Jun 13) Spain's 'pipe baby' freed after 40 hours in drain (24 Jun 13) Breastfeeding mothers battle the bottle in Spain (19 Jun 13) Spanish twins' first touch takes Read more [...]

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